Aquatic Frogs

Hi StanTheBetta :)

From what I understand, frogs are like scaleless fish in that it's best not to use salt in their water.

Since salt will not evaporate or leave the water except by doing water changes, why not wait until you do one more before adding the frog? By then it should be diluted enough that you need not worry. :thumbs:
Thats what I was thinking. I'll probably do a 50% change at least before I add one(after all a 50% water change on a 2.5 gal tank isn't much :p ) , if I decide to get one this weekend. I'm a little worried about the fact I'd be purchasing it from wal mart too, but Petco and the lfs don't have them in stock. I might wait until petco or the lfs has them again but I'm not sure.
I have 2 albino ACF's currently within my 15gal. tank. There both around 3 inches long. I was wondering whether 15gal is truly enough for these guys, as many websites contradict themselves on what is enough room

Does anyone know the compatibility of betta's and ACF?
Tjimbsoj said:
I have 2 albino ACF's currently within my 15gal. tank. There both around 3 inches long. I was wondering whether 15gal is truly enough for these guys, as many websites contradict themselves on what is enough room

Does anyone know the compatibility of betta's and ACF?
From everything I have read about ACF's they require at least 10 gallons per frog.
Hi Tjimbsoj :)

I'd suggest that you go for the bigger tank, especially if there is a difference in the height. A taller tank will make it much more comfortable to feed them and especially when it comes time to clean it out. These frogs are strong jumpers and a low tank is not good because of this. :eek:

African clawed frogs live a long time, 15 years or so, so you might as well get them the deluxe accommodations while you are at it. :lol:

I would suggest the smaller ADFs to live with a betta, but not the ACFs.
Hi, I own a very pretty male betta veil fin, and after many suggestions on a good tank mate for my betta (who is getting upgraded to a 2.5 gallon minibow tank) I bought an adf a few days ago, both my adf and betta are in seperate portable containers, as I am moving into a dorm in a few days. (my room mate is gonna be a vet, so fish arent a problem with her, only pet spiders, whcih i agree with her on)

I have a few questions.

1. Do ADF like to be in pairs or more? I am willing to take on two ADFs in the tank.

2. My ADF will NOT eat anything I try to give him. I have tried betta pellets, tropical flakes, freeze dried blood worms, frozen bloodworms, freeze dried brine shrimp, frozen brineshrimp, live .5 inch feeder fish, live chopped up earthworms. NOTHING has been touched. I have read that live blackworms are a very hardy and healthy food for both the betta AND the ADF. I do currently have a source of these worms, and i was wondering if i should try it. I dont want him to die, as he is too adorable.
Hi blender :)

Either one or two ADFs would be fine with your betta. Both the frogs and your betta will enjoy and thrive on live blackworms. :thumbs:
do you guys think me getting 3 ADF's with a betta and khulis and 3 widows is a good idea?
wouls it also be ok to feed them frozen food every two days and live food once a week?
Do they breed easy?
Sorry for 21 questions
can a betta male live together with a ADF? i have a betta now but i really want a dwarf frog. :nod:
Yup! My betta has lived with 3 dwarf frogs for about 6 months and they all get along great!
I have an albino frog right now and he/she is about half the size of my pinky. How big is it going to get? I have it in with my other fish and he doesn't seem interested in anything other than the pellet food and the rock. Will this change and if so how soon? :huh:
Hi sparklingcolorsafw :)

If he's albino, he's got to be an African Clawed Frog. He will get as large as a man's fist and could live to be 15 or more years old if you take care of him right. :D

Since they are voracious eaters, who snap at anything small enough for them to swallow, the time will come that your fish will be in danger. It would be a good idea to set him up in a 20 gallon high tank, with a cover so he does not jump out.

If your room temperature is consistent, he will probably not even need a heater, and they actually do best without a filter. This will be his home for the rest of his life, and if you wish, there will be room for a companion for him too. If you plan to get one, get one around his own size, because they are unable to tell the difference between another frog, a fish, or food. In other words, get it now because larger ones are often hard to find. :D
I'm moving my two ADF's out of my 10 gallon and into a 2.5. I was wondering what tank mate I might be able to put in there with 'em.

I know bettas are a popular choice, but is there anything else I could put there?
blender said:
My ADF will NOT eat anything I try to give him. NOTHING has been touched.
You too huh? I've had mine for 3 weeks now..and I haven't noticed him eating just clouds up the water.

Any suggestions? I just got a culture of Fruit flies..think he'd eat that...I'd hate to waste them, as there weren't very many to begin with.

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