Please recommend a fish to me


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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Alright I'm asking for a lot here---

I'm looking for a fish that is hardy and does not need a cycled tank, that can go with a betta in a 2.5 gallon tank, that is peaceful, will not harm my betta, will do the algae eating job, and is inexpensive.

That's pretty much it. Please answer.
I don't know how much room a snail needs, or if it needs cycled water, but they do a great job of eating algae. I have a light colored mystery snail in my ten gallon, and it doesn't bother any of the fish. It could also hid in its shell if the betta gets in a bad mood about having company. :( If it doesn't work out return the snail(alive) and see if you can find something else. You might want to do a lot of research. :*)
An otocinculs, thugh they are social and would not like being kept alone in a tank. Also, they might feel a tad bit cramped...

How about an ADF? It is not a fish, but it makes for an interesting addition to a tank.
I wouldnt reccomend any other fish if you have an unfiltered tank. Just get a snail of some sort, an apple snail or something?

I don't think any kind of fish would be able to live with the betta. Snails are an option. Would ghost shrimp be a viable option?? You could probably keep 2-3. I'm not too sure though, maybe somebody else can have some more input on them.
I don't know as if I'd recommend an apple snail; they can get HUGE! The whole reason they're called apple snails is because of how big they get--the size of an apple!! I'd still look into a snail, though. It does appear to be your only option... ghost shrimp aren't bad, but they've never hit me as algae eaters--and it's possible that they might try to snag your betta whenever he swims past (those pretty fins can be hard to resist!). So yeah, I think you'd better go for the snail.
I read somewhere that bettas kill shrimp, so that wouldn't be a good idea. Tho they are good bottom cleaners. Just not with bettas. :no:
Ottos are very sensitive, they need cycled, filtered and established tanks. I don't think they're an option.
The thing about bettas killing shrimp... That has not as of yet happened in my tank. Either I have very placid specimens (he tore up my females fins while breedings, so am sceptical) or others have very aggressive ones.

Is the tank filtered?
The tank is not filtered but I may get a spong filter in a while.

So a snail you say? That will be kind of funny, heheh. But looking at the simplicity of the tank I think it wouldn't be too bad an option. And from what I've read, I'll try a few ghost shrimp and I'll get a flower pot for moults. Sounds good?
most of my bettas eat ghosts shrimp. i had a gold mystery snail in with one of them, and the betta would sleep on the snail. it was very cute. :wub:

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