

New Member
Oct 20, 2004
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Hello. My name is Jessica and I am new to the forms. This is my second time having fish in my fish tank. The first time was a couple years ago. And all my fish died when I went on vacation my cat had an accident with the heater. Luckaly I now have a underwater heater. And a lid. ;)
Welcome to the forums, Jessica! :) Tell your kitty to leave your fish alone. :p
Hi Jessica and welcome to the forum I am glad you found your way here. I am sure you will get all the advice that you need. I look forward to seeing you around...
:hi: to the forum.

Glad you came back to the hobby. Now that you have this forum, you won't have to give up the hobby if you have any mishaps. ;)

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Hey!! Great to have you!!! Hopefully there will be no more cat/fish incidents... (I know the feeling!!! My own cats love nothing better than to mess around with my filters). I've also had my fish practically frozen during a power outage due to an ice storm. I later found that my mother's betta got frozen--kind of ironic seeing as she had boiled her first one to death when she put the plant vase it was in on the register "so that the plant could get some sunshine!" :blink: But her latest has lasted her quite a while, so far... I've still got my Kuhli Loaches, though! Invincible fish, Kuhli Loaches. I've had them through thick and thin--or should I say cold and hot?

Anyway, :hi: to the fish forums!!! We have a lot of fun here. There's people that almost as insane as I am!!! It's really great.

What kind of fish do you have, by the way?
Hi never2bknown I have 2 rosy reds 5 ghost shrimp a pleco a snail and a albino frog. Sorry to hear about your moms bettas I know the feeling. My second betta died by freezing to death when I went to my families for a couple days and the person who was suppost to be watching my animals turned off the heater of my house. He thought he was doing me a favor but it killed my Pearl. It was in the dead of winter I came back and found ice chunks in with him. :-( I haven't gotten another betta sence. :(

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