Biggest pleco competition..?


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Dorchester, Canada
I used to think pleco's were just ugly fish that ate all my elgee in my tank, but now as i see my pleco getting bigger and bigger, i admire its beauty, looks like a cheatah and is pretty gracefull!

In about a month my pleco has trippled in size almost, i feed 1 algee pad per day usually and I can see how it has improved the size of him!

Im sure he is going to triple his size again, he is about 3 inches now.....

how big is everyone elses pleco?!?!?
I gave away a lovely 14" sailfin pleco... so I suppose he doesn't really count

My black adonis WILL reach 36", but I guess at 10" he still won't count for much :(
I have three Bristlenoses that are between 3.5 and 4 inches...the male is the biggest one. ;) Then I have one Sailfin, that is getting close to 5 inches. :nod:

I love my plecos. I think they are just the coolest fish, and I hope I can get more as I continue to get bigger and bigger tanks. :wub:
:rofl: I know I have no chance of winning but I only got my bristlenoses today and they're about 0.5" long :wub:
well my bristlenose is 2.5 inches, seems like most people have bns.
Up until last month i had a common plec which was about 7" long...He currently lives with a friend in a 120gal tank with some Oscars ...He is a great fish but a poop machine. :p

My common pleco (Hurcimur) is 13 inches, clown pleco is 1.5 inches, tiger pleco (Jethro) is 3.5 inches, and my bristlenose is 4.5 inches.

I absolutely adore plecos :p
I've got a Gibby whos is about 10" now, but he's developed lazyitis and doesn't do any cleaning anymore. All he does is sit there and poo all day!! I think I'll be taking him to the LFS for replacement!

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