Is my heater broken


Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2004
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Ok well i got a 50 watt heater for my 10 gallon tank a couple of days ago, and now the power orange light, is like blinking like its struggling for power. Is it broken. Its made by Aquatic Gardens
try turning it up a notch and see if the light is constant, if it still flickers I'd say it's on the verge of breakdown.
Ya its broken, my temp went from 78 to 68 over night, shold i try to get a new one asap? or can my 3 xebra danios survive a day at room temp?

**EDIT** BTW this will be my 7th day in a row going to the pet store :p
there quite tough so imagine they will survive but you want to get a new one asap.

In you have to leave it a day you can always turn your heating up a bit!
Don't worry. The same thing happened to me with my old fish survived (even though my tank temp only dropped about 6 degrees in 2 days) buy an ebo jager heater. you won't ever look back. :thumbs:
MNfishy said:
Ya its broken, my temp went from 78 to 68 over night, shold i try to get a new one asap? or can my 3 xebra danios survive a day at room temp?

**EDIT** BTW this will be my 7th day in a row going to the pet store :p
Zebra danios are classified as sub-tropical. Their natural enviroment includes mountain streams the have to deal with spring snow melts, therfore they can stand cool water. The temp range for ZD's is 18-24c / 64-75f.
ok thanks. BTW look i might be getting THIS for $175, i talked to the guy and im so excited. I kind of want to get some bala sharks, then move them to a 120 gallon tank in like 2-3 years when they get bigger, would that work? Wht else could i put with them?
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I heard a red tail shark is a good tank mate for balas. But the balas need to be kept in a group, and you can only have one red tail. The red tails are agressive fish so it would be a bad idea to put smaller fish in with it. :/

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