he wont eat

Yeah, my betta was the same... wouldn't eat anything we tried and then I got some Hikari micro pellets for the other tropical fish and she ate down on them like they're going out of style. :dunno: My other betta only eats flakes while one only eats pellets. They all love bloodworms and brine shrimp though...

Bettas are CRAZY like that though :crazy:
he wont eat the flakes eather :X maybe its time to go to aquabid and get a microworm culture or something :/
You don't feed adult or juvenile bettas microworms. They are WAY too small for them. Try to talk your folks into taking you to petsmart. You need bloodworms or brine shrimp. Agree to extra chores for the ride or something.

In the meantime, cook and shell a green pea, if you have one, then feed him that.
Wow I never had any problems with my beta. He ate as soon as I put him in his tank. He would eat beta bites(pellets), tropical fish flakes, and freezed dried blood worms. The fish flakes were for the other fish but he didn't seem to care. :)
luckily, me and my dad had some peas tonight, so we'll give hime some leftovers, and i have off the next few days so we might be able to go then, and thanks for the advice on microworms
was a sucess wit hthe peas but i think it was only because they sunk imedialtly adn hethought they were live, he was probably fed all live food until wen we got him, i think
Peas are good for constipated bettas as a general rule, but I thought if he wasn't eating anything maybe he'd go for it even though he wasn't constipated. Good temperarally, but bettas need lots of protein, so I'm glad you'll be able to get him some meaty food soon.
went to twin today after talking my dad into it, we got bloodworms, and he wont eat it still, at this rate he will probably die :-(
Make sure the peas are frozen peas, and not canned peas. The canned peas have sodium added. Try to find some red worms. You can freeze one, chop it up and feed him pieces. Just rinse the worm really good before freezing, and then rinse the pieces before feeding. he will only need 1 piece...about this long> __
f250fisherman said:
Make sure the peas are frozen peas, and not canned peas. The canned peas have sodium added. Try to find some red worms. You can freeze one, chop it up and feed him pieces. Just rinse the worm really good before freezing, and then rinse the pieces before feeding. he will only need 1 piece...about this long> __
i forgot to add that c=he will eat the peas, bt only peas

do u mean worms from te ground?
ok, i email the guy and told us ti use live blackworms, so im looking for cultures on aquabid

and the guy might sell us a spawn sister

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