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  1. T

    Black Worms

  2. T

    Black Worms

    I was buying black worms at the LFS store this morning and was told that these are very bad for my fish. I feed them to my bumblebee gobies. These fish won't eat anything except live black worms! I have tried mixing fresh and frozen blood worms to try to get them to eat the frozen; this...
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    Question On Lion Injury

    Yeah, the tang has invaded the clowns "corner". I think I am going to buy more rocks and make more hiding places. I didn't really need them with the large fish, but now, I think I do. BTW I like your commom sense quote Tommy. Being a high school teacher, I would have to agree!
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    Clown Injury? Illness?

    Thanks. He is doing better. I think he is just stressed from changes in his recent tank mates :)
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    Clown Injury? Illness?

    The last couple days my maroon clown has developed three small white spots just above her eyes. It looks like the side of her head is a little scratched. They haven't developed any where else, so I don't think it is ich. I had mentioned in another post that my puffer killed my clown, and now...
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    Starting Over

    Thanks for the ideas, info on clowns, and link to the chart. It is much appreciated.
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    Question On Lion Injury

    Thanks for the encouragement. I was so sad when I exchanged him, and I was really sad to see him go. I now bought a wrasse, a yellow tang and a lawnmower blenny. With such a large tank, I think I can get a few more as well. I miss the big fish, but the small colorful ones are nice to watch...
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    Starting Over

    I have a 100 gallon System II tank which I purchased along with the fish it housed about 1 1/2 years ago. It housed a lion, puffer, and maroon clown. My lion died and I am getting rid of the puffer this weekend. So, I am left with the maroon clown. I believe that it can be agressive, but...
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    Question On Lion Injury

    I am not planning on getting another lion. I think I am going to go for a little tamer tank this time around. I would feed them 2-3 frozen cubes each about 3 times a week. From my readings and understanding, this is an appropriate amount. I would like to believe that the death of my...
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    Question On Lion Injury

    He died last night :( I think I am going to have to get rid of my puffer, or I won't be ableto get anything he won't kill. :(
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    Question On Lion Injury

    Thanks, I'll try that.
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    Question On Lion Injury

    I think my puffer attacked my Lion fish. My Lion is about 7 inches and my puffer is about 5 inches. The puffer can be aggressive, but they have lived in the same tank for about 2 years. I have a 100 gallon fish only tank and the only other fish is a maroon clown. I noticed yesterday that the...
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    Hot summer weather

    Thanks for the ideas. I did a water change which lowered the temp and have a fan blowing on them...
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    Hot summer weather

    My tanks are running quite hot due to high temps here in sunny southern california. I have a 20 gallon that is at 84 (platys and rainbows) and a 6 that is at 86 (bumble bee goby). I also have a 100 gallon marine that is at 82 (lion and puffer). I have to run out for the day but was planning...
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    Going back to gravel

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    Going back to gravel

    Maybe it is just a matter of preference. I knew I'd get some "sand fan" back lash :) Just kidding. I also have black sand, and it seems to show everything. No matter how much I clean it, it never looks good. I vacuum out my gravel tanks regularly (every week) too...
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    Going back to gravel

    When I set this one up, I used sand, so I have never actually made the change.I have 2 gravel and 1 sand tank, and I just prefer the gravel; maybe it is because the poop sinks and it doesn't sit on top :)
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    Going back to gravel

    When I set up my new tank(about 6 months ago), I thought I would try sand. It looked very pretty at first, but I have found it dificult to keep clean. I clean and change the water once a week, and it never looks clean. I thought I had read on here before the process to switch it out, but...
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    Great link Thanks
  20. T

    Gouramis and neons?

    Cool! Off to the store today :)
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    The spots are white, but very small, less than sand grain. I turned the temp up to 80 and am adding ich meds just to be safe... i don' think it is velevet as I have seen it before and they don't have that coating...
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    Gouramis and neons?

    Thanks for the idea!
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    gouramis and mutilated fins

    They all have different temperments. I have a gold that is quite tame, but have had some in the past that weren't. I would return the aggressive one to the store or separate them. You might try rearranging the plants and sich in the tank, but there is no "solution" that I know of except...
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    Gouramis and neons?

    I have a male gold gourami that is relatively tame. He is in with 5 platys and a candy striped pleco in a 20 gallon. The only fish he has ever been agressive wih was a dwarf gourami that I moved. I was thinking about getting some neons for the tank and was wondering if the gold would be ok...
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    I have an established 10 gallon tank with 3 praecock rainbows and 1 candy stripe pleco. It previously had 4 platys I moved to another tank and I just put the rainbows in about 10 days ago. I did a water change before I added the rainbows, but have not done one since My water parameters have...
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    What is it?

    Ok Thanks!
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    What is it?

    It appears that they just attach themselves to the glass and stay there. I cleaned the glass this morning, and I noticed they are starting to attach already. I am wondering if they floated around the tank and now are sticking again... but I don't see any "swimming" per se
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    What is it?

    The move???
  29. T

    What is it?

    I have a ten gallon tank with 1 gold gourami and 1 candy stripe pleco. Just recently I have noticed very small white silica looking fibers on the glass. I cleaned the galss, did a water change, and they reappeared within a couple days. I just cleaned and did a water cahgne again (5 days...
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    Thanks for the ideas guys. He was already dead when I came home. I just don't think I could hit them in the head or cut off their heads. Maybe I am squeamish, but I can barely deal with feeding them live worms and removing dead fish. The first time a fish died, my boyfriend had to come over...
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    I don' think he is going to recover :( He was barely breathing just lying on the ground. But we can always hope. I'll se how he is after work. Maybe he is just old because it doesn't appear that there is something wrong (such as fungus or ich). HE just became lethargic, stopped eating and...
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    You put in in diluted clove oil? Anyone know the ratio or does it matter? I'll stop and get some after work today...
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    I read the pinned link on Euthanasia, but I cannot bring myself to cut off its head or to give it a concussion...just can't do it. I don't have access to the other chemicals mentioned. Any other ideas? My gourami is lying on the floor of the aquarium, barely breathing. It has been listless...
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    Thanks for the advice! I just got them for my bumble bee goby. They wouldn't eat anything else, so wanted to check it out. Thanks!
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    I may be moving - how do I transport my fish?

    I had heard you should try to keep about half of the water in buckets, but haven't done it myself, so don't know, and 4 hours is a long drive!
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    Yeah I got some live ones, and the LFS guy said to keep them in the fridge, but you know how LFS people are, so I just wanted to be sure.
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    How do you store them and how long do they remain viable?
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    Drunk fish or dead fish?

    Last night I went to a party where they was a 60 G freshwater tank with cichilids, a pleco and a catfish. There were a few people at this party that were a little drunk and one person decided it would be a good idea to give the "fishies" a little beer. I saw him, and fortunately talked him out...
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    How many bumble bees?

    Thanks for the specific info! I will check mine when I get home....
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    Lonely gourami?

    Thanks for the feedback. I won't worry about him being lonely then... Just waiting until I can get a bigger tank!