Question On Lion Injury


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I think my puffer attacked my Lion fish. My Lion is about 7 inches and my puffer is about 5 inches. The puffer can be aggressive, but they have lived in the same tank for about 2 years. I have a 100 gallon fish only tank and the only other fish is a maroon clown. I noticed yesterday that the Lion was hanging out in the corner face down vertically (which it does sometimes after eating). Today when I got home from work, it hadn't moved and on closer inspection it looks like part of its lower rear fins are very red and look like they have been bitten. There are also white marks in the skin which look like they could be bites as well. Today it wouldn't come to eat. Is this something I should be concerned about, or will it heal itself? If not, can I do anything? Thanks for any help.
There's not much you can do. Since its fish only you could consider treating the tank with melafix to aid the lionfish's healing processes. Hopefully it comes back to eat :/
He died last night :( I think I am going to have to get rid of my puffer, or I won't be ableto get anything he won't kill. :(
I'm really sorry to hear your lion died. They are beautiful fish and i would love to have one but i'm afraid it might sting another fish by accident.

Are you plaining on getting another lion?
Guys, can I discuss something without sounding........Geez, I can not think of the right word. I don't want any one to feel bad when this is such a tragic post. But, I see so many threads in marine sites that tell people not to overfeed? I wonder if this fish was hungry so it became aggressive? I have a puffer and an antennata lionfish together for quite a while, but I like algae so I feed them a lot. I also have a lot of tangs together that graze continually on nori and are very docile. Could we be harming sw fish by trying so hard to prevent algae?

I am wondering if we can increase our bilogical filtration to keep heavy bioload fish content and well fed enough to live together peacefully?
I am not planning on getting another lion. I think I am going to go for a little tamer tank this time around. I would feed them 2-3 frozen cubes each about 3 times a week. From my readings and understanding, this is an appropriate amount. I would like to believe that the death of my beautiful lion was due to the aggressive nature of puffers and not my fault. I had had these two fish together for a couple years and fed them this amount consistently. I don't know what happened to change this...
I am a newbie, basically, at least to the saltwater side of this hobby and my first purchase of fish after a couple damsels that I had used to 'test' my tank's cycling (which are a b!#$@ to catch, by the way) were two clown fish and a porcupine puffer. I got all four fish from the same tank at the same LFS and I put the clowns in about two or three days ahead of the puffer (just had him on layaway). My logical thinking, coupled with a few marine compatability charts, led me to believe this was all going to be ok. Well, the two clowns died about two days after I put in the puffer, but I thought it was a rock slide or something that killed them and got two more clowns...keep in mind in my area, they are about 15 dollars (US) each. Needless to say, they had the same fate.

I struggled and struggled with the puffer issue since this was actually my wife's fish (I got the tank, she gets her fish sort of deal) I couldnt just trade him in. I went the same direction as many people and bought a lionfish and a snowflake moray eel.

This set up worked fine and if I did not get so bored at looking at an empty tank all day, I would still have these fish. The problem wasnt so much anything I could really see, but at night time was when the puffer got excited and it would even try to 'nip' at me when I came downstairs and turned on the living room lights.

So, a couple days ago, I decided that I would take all three fish in for store credit. This puffer never did kill the lionfish, but I saw some similar things as you did with the apparent bite marks and nipped fins. My assumption was always that the puffer would eventually get stung if it didnt quit being a bully, but I guess it was smart enough to stay away.

Anyways, my point is that with a puffer, things become seriously deminished when trying to stock or restock. I wouldnt say that it is impossible, because I do not know that, but my little puffer, about 5 inches also, would not let me even put a snail in the tank, regardless of how huge I bought it. I have seen a very large, almost full grown puffer though, and I am telling you, I would seriously think about buying it if it didnt cost about five hundred dollars. They are awesome fish and have great personalities, but they often times turn on tankmates with really no warning to us. I really feel bad about your situation and just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one who has gone through this. Keep your chin up though and research every possibility before making a complete decision. Good luck to ya!
Thanks for the encouragement. I was so sad when I exchanged him, and I was really sad to see him go. I now bought a wrasse, a yellow tang and a lawnmower blenny. With such a large tank, I think I can get a few more as well. I miss the big fish, but the small colorful ones are nice to watch and I am not as afraid of them attacking each other. My maroon clown now has some funny marks on it, but maybe I'll start a new post with that question. Thanks again!
I understand your feelings to a T! I went through the same thing when I traded my puffer and I actually picked up a six-line wrasse, a flame angel, and a bunch of snails when I traded him in.

Your yellow tang will get to be pretty large. I have seen some 'adults' and they are much bigger than I thought they would be. I did want to caution you though since you brought up the marks on your clown, yellow tangs can be pretty mean and I was even told that they would pick on my puffer quite a bit. So, make sure that your clown is not being beat up by the tang.
Yeah, the tang has invaded the clowns "corner". I think I am going to buy more rocks and make more hiding places. I didn't really need them with the large fish, but now, I think I do.
BTW I like your commom sense quote Tommy. Being a high school teacher, I would have to agree!

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