Going back to gravel


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
When I set up my new tank(about 6 months ago), I thought I would try sand. It looked very pretty at first, but I have found it dificult to keep clean. I clean and change the water once a week, and it never looks clean. I thought I had read on here before the process to switch it out, but couldn't find it. Could anyone give me the the step by step run down? I don't want to lose the bacteria established...
Probably have to just take the whole tank apart and start over (Unless there is something I don't know about)

I find the sand easier to clean, and remember a tank is never going to be totally clean you have live animals in there pooping almost constantly :lol:
What was wrong with it exactly- was it growing algae in it or just looking dirty? I would say sand is easier to keep clean than gravel but i would say its keeping the bottom of the sand layer thats the most important- keep that clean and you shouldn't have any probs with it.
Sand is WAY easier to keep clean.

But if you want to change to gravel just take out the sand and add the gravel. The amount of beneficial bacteria in the sand is negligable unlike what you'd find in gravel so you're not losing anything.
In a sand tank, most of your bio filtration is in the filter media.
When I set this one up, I used sand, so I have never actually made the change.I have 2 gravel and 1 sand tank, and I just prefer the gravel; maybe it is because the poop sinks and it doesn't sit on top :)
teacherspet said:
When I set this one up, I used sand, so I have never actually made the change.I have 2 gravel and 1 sand tank, and I just prefer the gravel; maybe it is because the poop sinks and it doesn't sit on top :)
Exactly the reason I prefer sand!
I don't want my poop 'swept under the rug' I want it where I can see it and get to it easily!
Maybe it is just a matter of preference. I knew I'd get some "sand fan" back lash :) Just kidding. I also have black sand, and it seems to show everything. No matter how much I clean it, it never looks good.

I vacuum out my gravel tanks regularly (every week) too...
The density of sand makes it a poor biofilter, so it's the filter that makes up most of it.

I just take out the sand (a clean dustpan is handy) and replace it with new substrate, then set it back up, restart the filter. After a nice water change and the water's clear the fish go back in. I've done this countless times and never had a problem.

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