

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I have an established 10 gallon tank with 3 praecock rainbows and 1 candy stripe pleco. It previously had 4 platys I moved to another tank and I just put the rainbows in about 10 days ago. I did a water change before I added the rainbows, but have not done one since My water parameters have remained at zero, but just today I noticed very small white spots on the body of 2 of the fish more towards the tail. I have seen ich before and it doesn't look the same. The particles are almost like specks and fish look normal (not lethegic or rubbing on anything). I was planning on treating it like ich, just to be safe, but don't want to medicate unnecessarily either. I was alos thinking about mving the pleco to another tank and doing a water change and treating with salt instead. Any ideas?
I don't know much about your particular fish species but it sounds like you have velvet; how big are the spots i.e sand grain sized/1mm, and what color are they?
The spots are white, but very small, less than sand grain. I turned the temp up to 80 and am adding ich meds just to be safe... i don' think it is velevet as I have seen it before and they don't have that coating...

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