

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
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San Diego, Ca
I read the pinned link on Euthanasia, but I cannot bring myself to cut off its head or to give it a concussion...just can't do it. I don't have access to the other chemicals mentioned. Any other ideas? My gourami is lying on the floor of the aquarium, barely breathing. It has been listless for a couple days, have done water changes, all parameters fine, all the other fish appear fine...
I've heard people have used a bowl of ice water (water full of ice and left in the freezer for at least half an hour because it shocks them and the die quickly.
Spilk said:
I've heard people have used a bowl of ice water (water full of ice and left in the freezer for at least half an hour because it shocks them and the die quickly.
I'm sorry but that is cruel and IMHO sick!

the best method is clove oil.
You put in in diluted clove oil? Anyone know the ratio or does it matter? I'll stop and get some after work today...
My glass catfish did that for a day when I first bought him. I kind of scooped him off the gravel and "forced" him to swim around a bit and get some food. Now he is perfectly fine. :D

I am sorry to hear about your fish. When I saw my glass fish I told my sister I was going to have to euthanise it. She said she would cut his head off for me. :-(
I don' think he is going to recover :( He was barely breathing just lying on the ground. But we can always hope. I'll se how he is after work. Maybe he is just old because it doesn't appear that there is something wrong (such as fungus or ich). HE just became lethargic, stopped eating and now is at the bottom of the tank :byebye:
we hit are's with a brick, the quickest methord we can think of. I read as long as you destroy the brain, the death is instant and painless.

The thing I hate about freezing, is I always worry they may wake up once they have defrozed, and the fact they proberly would suffercate to death before they are frozen.
Use vodka some fishkeepers don't like this method, but it's better than letting it suffer.
Thanks for the ideas guys. He was already dead when I came home. I just don't think I could hit them in the head or cut off their heads. Maybe I am squeamish, but I can barely deal with feeding them live worms and removing dead fish. The first time a fish died, my boyfriend had to come over to get it out of the tank! I am better at that now, and hopefully won't get too much practice, but still could not hit them :byebye:
From an MD....I'd go with ice water. Instantaneous unconsciousness for a small fish. Not as stinky or expensive as cloves. Ice water is immediately available to everyone. I think it is VERY HUMANE if your fish is suffering. SH
I once used sleeping pills. You dissovle the stuff in some water, put the fish in a small container and ad the solution in small amounts until it becomes unconcious. The fish sorta passes out and doesn't swim but keeps breathing. They look so pathetic like that though. But anyway once their out ad the rest of the solution and leave the fish in a freezer.
If you want to decapitate the fish I don't recommend it because as with most animals the fish's head will stay alive for a few seconds after decapitation.

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