Lonely gourami?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I have a male gold in a 10g with 2 otos. I was going to get him some company, but what can I get that he won't attack or won't overcrowd the tank. I was originally going to get a female, but read that 1 should get two females; I think that would be too much for a 10g... any ideas?
It would be too much for a 10g tank :nod: , even the one of these fish in a 10g is pushing it. You can't add two males into your tank because for one, it's too small and secondly they would fight, same for the female. To keep multiple gourami your tank needs to have a large surface area.

Maybe a pair of the honey gourami would be better suited to the 10g if you don't want your gold to be lonely
Even with more placid varieties, it's not quite fair to them to put them in a ten gallon tank. Granted, they don't need as much space as other fish, but they are liable to not enjoy their surroundings and to fight. I have a dwarf gourami with livebearers in my ten, and she chases them now and then, though it's not vicious. however, if it were a male or a pair, I doubt that it wouldn't be.
I could put the gold in my 20g with my platies (6). I have a dwarf gourami in there now, but I could move him to the 10...
Hi teacherspet :)

I don't think that you have to worry about gouramis being lonely. They are related to bettas and are also territorial fish who just want to be alone in their space. :)

As to the size of the tank you keep them in, please keep in mind that among small fish, a gourami is a large one. It is also a fast one who can start swimming and go from one side of the tank to the other in a flash, especially if it is chasing another fish. It needs some room just to be itself.

Because of this, it must be kept in a covered tank. Gouramis can take off in a hurry and when it reaches the end of the tank, launch itself into the air and out of the tank. Due to this fact, I have a big old female who is now called "The Merry Widow." :D
Thanks for the feedback. I won't worry about him being lonely then... Just waiting until I can get a bigger tank!

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