Clown Injury? Illness?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
The last couple days my maroon clown has developed three small white spots just above her eyes. It looks like the side of her head is a little scratched. They haven't developed any where else, so I don't think it is ich. I had mentioned in another post that my puffer killed my clown, and now I am wondering if perhaps it attacked my clown as well, or if it scratched itself on a rock... Should I be worried, and could it be ich if the white spots are isolated? Thanks for the advice. Everyone here is so nice and helpful! I just looked more closely at the topics, and maybe I should be posting in another forum. Oh well, I guess the moderators will move it if necessary. Thanks!
It may be just a stratch... Maroon Clownfish are very tough and can withstand a lot of punishment before they succumb.

Probably either got scratched/bit, or POSSIBLY brooklynella. Brooklynella is a parasite similar to ich, but usually less virulent and typically only affects clownfish (hence its nickname is clownfish disease). My clowns had brooklynella once and I just kept giving them good water chemistry and a varied diet and let them fight the infection off themselves. Even if you don't have brooklynella, good water stats and a healthy-varied diet would be good to help the clowns stave off infection from the injury :)

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