What is it?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I have a ten gallon tank with 1 gold gourami and 1 candy stripe pleco. Just recently I have noticed very small white silica looking fibers on the glass. I cleaned the galss, did a water change, and they reappeared within a couple days. I just cleaned and did a water cahgne again (5 days after first). All water paprameters are normal. Any ideas of what this could be?
Do the move.
I meant do the fibre's move like swim about.
It appears that they just attach themselves to the glass and stay there. I cleaned the glass this morning, and I noticed they are starting to attach already. I am wondering if they floated around the tank and now are sticking again... but I don't see any "swimming" per se
Don't no what they are then, someone is bound to no, wait for some more replys, hope you find out what they are.
I had those

cut down feeding, they usually are a sign of overfeeding

they are harmless to the fish and soem fish and snails actually eat them. I have no clue what they are but they seem to appear when you overfeed the fish

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