Search results

  1. M

    Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

    Oh.. they have everything in the backroom. And 5 Amanos that I bought today were the last ones they had, I think. So, if you wanna buy them, just in case, you have to wait until they restock them. Lol. 25 bucks for Java Fern? I didn't see that, but that is insane. :crazy:
  2. M

    Amano Shrimps.

    Looked for one of these for a while, and finally got 5 of them! I just put them in my 10 gal tank several hours ago, and they seem doing fine so far. Here are some pictures of them.
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  5. M

    Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

    It's New World Aquarium. E 38th st in Manhattan. The store was smaller than I thought, but they had nice selection of fish and plants. They had Amanos and Cherry Reds.
  6. M

    Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

    Just an update. So, I went to the fish shop and was going to get some cherry shrimps. But surprisingly, they had Amano shrimps. So... I ended up buying five of them, and they are doing just fine so far in my 10 gal tank. :D
  7. M

    Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

    Thx for the replies. I just called one of the LFS in NYC, and they said that they have cherry red shrimps! well, I still couldn't find any amanos, but i think i'll just get some cherrys soon. I hope they do well with my tetras. :D
  8. M

    Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

    Don't know. :( I checked many LFS in LI and Queens area, and some of the stores had many types of fish, but none of them had large selection of shrimps or freshwater plants.
  9. M

    Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

    I live in Long Island, New York, and I'm trying to get some amano shrimps for my 10 gal planted tank. I checked all LFS near my town, but they had none. Does anyone know if there is any LFS in NY that has amano shrimp? or any website that I can order them online without expensive price? Thanks.
  10. M

    Thinking About Adding More Fish?

    Hmm.. so I was thinking... If I will have 5 neons, 5 cardinals and 1 black neon in my 10 gal tank, how many pygmy corys can I put?
  11. M

    Quick Question About Lighting For 10 Gal Tank

    After a year of fishkeeping, I'm thinking about "upgrading" my tank and getting some new plants to make my tank greener. Well, I currently have a regular fluorescent light hood and a 15 watt 18'' bulb (which has slightly blue-ish white color). It would be nice if I could get new hood with two...
  12. M

    Thinking About Adding More Fish?

    Thank for quick reply. :D Well, they didn't have any restriction about having a tank at dorm, but since it was a long trip from NY to MI, I thought it would be harsh for my fish, so I left it at home instead, and my parents took care of them. So, I guess I should put some more cardinals and...
  13. M

    Thinking About Adding More Fish?

    Hey. I currently have 10G tank with 2 cardinals, 5 neons, and 1 black neon (I used to have 3 black neons but 2 of them died unfortunately.) I also had 2 ottos and 3 corys but they were gone when I was back home from college. :/ Oh well, so I'm thinking about adding more fish, even though I...
  14. M

    New Pix

    Nice celebes. Those licorice also look great. :D
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  16. M

    Recent pix of my 10 gal tank.

    I just took some pictures of my 10 gal tank yesterday. ;)
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  18. M

    after a week away

    Wow. Nicely planted. :D I like it. I wish mine was like that. :nod: I can see a lot of effort you put into that tank. :P
  19. M

    Loach, loach, baby...

    Dang, that is a picture. :blink: I've seen many of your pictures, and all of them are clear and nice. What camera are you using? Is there any secret? :hey: Anyway, you are a great fish photographer. :lol:
  20. M

    Black Neons

    I currently have 2 black neons in my 10 gal tank, and they are doing great! (I used to have 4, but unfortunately 2 of them sucked into the filter :X ) They are really easy to keep, and they are not picky at all. Mines are eating too well. Flakes, freeze-dried blood worms, they don't care...
  21. M


    Hey, thx for all those comments. :D I have considerable amount of algae in my tank, but I also feed Algae tablets to my ottos. They were tummy when I took those pictures b/c it was just after I fed them. :lol: I love Otos. They are just fun to watch. If I had bigger tank, I would have put...
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    One more;
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  24. M


    I finally got a chance to get some decent pictures of my otos. These are not re-touched-by-photoshop photos. lol
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  26. M

    My 2 corys have nipped fins.

    Thx for replies. :) First, my cories are not fully grown. They are only like 1 inch long. As I said before, I don't think that it was caused by bacteria because one of the 3 cories is perfectly fine. (Its fin is not nipped.) I change 10~20% of water every week, and I also use gravel vacuum to...
  27. M

    My betta is not eating.

    Thank God that my betta is finally eating! :lol: I visited my LFS and changed that wardley pellet to Tetrafin freeze dried blood worms. I gave it a try, and my betta finally ate them. I also added a silk plant in my tank to give him some place to hide. :P
  28. M

    My betta is not eating.

    All right. Thx for comments. I think i'll visit LFS tomorrow and change my pellets to freeze blood worms. I hope my betta eats this time. :)
  29. M

    My 2 corys have nipped fins.

    I have 10 gallon tank with 3 peppered corys, 2 ottos, 2 black neons, and 6 neons. It's been like several months running that tank, and everybody seems doing fine. But, recently I noticed 2 of my cories have nipped fins. The other one that doesn't have nipeed fin is perfectly fine. The ones...
  30. M

    new tank cycle

    Or, you can try fishless cycle, if you have enough patience to bare with it. (It usually takes like 1 month to finish it.)
  31. M

    My betta is not eating.

    I just got my first betta with 1 gallon bowl and some gravel. And, when I asked the cleark at LFS for betta food, she gave me Wardley Betta pellets. Well, I hoped that my betta will like it, but I wasn't sure if he's gonna eat it or not, so I just gave him try by giving him like 2-3 pellets...
  32. M

    80 gallon

    Damn.. nice camera. That's why you got such a nice pictures. :P The best cameras are from Nikon or Canon, but i prefer Nikon. (I like the color of the pictures.) Anway, i need to save some bucks to get a decent camera.
  33. M


    Hm.. that's strange. When i put 4 cardinals in my cycled tank, they unfortunately died and my LFS told me that they were just weak. But when I put 4 neons in my tank after a while, all of them did fine. (One of them accidentally sucked up in the power filter, but other ones are still alive and...
  34. M

    A few questions about betta

    I see. GuppyDude. Yeah, i'll try feeding all of my food i got, and see what my betta likes. (It's like a buffet :lol: )
  35. M

    What should I get?

    Well, if you are deciding between neons or cardinals, in my opinion, I would put neons. Even though they are prone to NTD, my all cardinals died when i put them, but my all neons are doing just fine. Well, 10 gallon is not such a big tank, so there is not that much room for variety of fish. So...
  36. M

    80 gallon

    Very nice pics. I love those fish and also your pictures. lol. Anyway, what camera did you use when you took those?
  37. M

    What should I get?

    First, i'm glad that your long fishless cycle is done. (I know your feeling... lol) Hm... since it is just over 10 gallon, which is almost same as mine, you can only put small bottom dwellers and that means you probably have to put corys. Don't worry. There are many kinds of cories out there...
  38. M

    A few questions about betta

    Yeah, I wanna put my betta in 3+ gallong tank. Of course. But, I don't have enough money to start another tank, and also I wanna put a betta bowl in living room for kind of decoration also. ;) Anyway... I'm gonna get a betta soon and see what happens. :P
  39. M

    A few questions about betta

    I saw from one site that putting coffee filter on the top of bowl with rubber band would work as cover. Does that gonna be okay? :)