What should I get?


New Member
Jul 24, 2004
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Sorry, I realise everyone asks this question.

I'm excited because tommorow I can finally add some fish.
I've been doing a fishless cycle for over a month now and its ready to add some.

I want to start small and just add a few fish.
I would like to add like one bottom dwelling catfish and a few of a shoaling species, what do you think I should go for, and how many?

It's just over 10 gallons in size, and it's quite a tall tank.

First, i'm glad that your long fishless cycle is done. (I know your feeling... lol)

Hm... since it is just over 10 gallon, which is almost same as mine, you can only put small bottom dwellers and that means you probably have to put corys.

Don't worry. There are many kinds of cories out there and you can pick any cories you like. (I wanted to put panda cories but i eventually put peppered cories)

Since Cories prefer to be in groups, it's ideal to put at least 6 of them together. But since you have a small tank, if you put 6 cories in there, you will be able to add only a few more fish.

I added 3 cories in my tank and they are doing great, so i guess 3 is enough.

And, for shoaling species, you can put some tetras, any kind you like.

I guess that's pretty much about it. I hope that helps. :p
smaller cories would be better though, like panda or pygmy.

what kind of substrate do you have? cories like sand or small, rounded gravel. if you don't want cories you could go for otocinclus, they are a dwarf suckermouth catfish that will help control algae. :) however you should add them last as they prfer a mature tank.

tetras would be great for a small shoaling fish, my favourite are black phantom tetras which are hardy, pretty and very active.

be careful how many fish you put in though because if it is a tall tank, it has less surface area per water volume, so can hold less fish.

if you look up some of the species mentioned, and decide what you like the look of, people could advise you on how many to have. :)
I know that my LFS has Otos as there were loads of them when I went in there today. But would just one of them be wrong?

I do like neon and cardinal tetras, but should I be looking at guppy, molly, platy types to add first? As these seem to be the types people mention most in posts.
Yeah you can try some llivebearers there good fish. make sure you only get one male and two females.
Look at my signature, now I know the plec isnt suppose to be there and I'm switching it for a clown loach to take its place in time, but I do weekly water changes/vacuuming and its very easy to maintain. Mollies are good to start with along with cory's they've managed to survive all my beginner mistakes.
Well, if you are deciding between neons or cardinals, in my opinion, I would put neons.

Even though they are prone to NTD, my all cardinals died when i put them, but my all neons are doing just fine.

Well, 10 gallon is not such a big tank, so there is not that much room for variety of fish. So it limits our choice. (I wish i would get a bigger tank. :()


And..... ]im. You said you're gonna put clown loach instead of plec? Clown loach will also get bigger like above 10 inches? Even though they look small in LFS, they WILL get bigger. So, i think it's not a good choice also.
Sol said:
I know that my LFS has Otos as there were loads of them when I went in there today. But would just one of them be wrong?

I do like neon and cardinal tetras, but should I be looking at guppy, molly, platy types to add first? As these seem to be the types people mention most in posts.
I would say a minimum of two ottos because they are not exactly "shoaling" but they do like to be sociable with their own kind.

If you get livebearers (mollies, guppies, platies...) you will be overwhelmed with baby fish unless you only get one sex of parent fish, because they breed prolifically and with no provocation. Also they put a heavy load on the filter.

If you like neons better, go for them. :) I'd go with neons over cardinals for a 10g because they're smaller - a lot of people have had bad experiences with weak stock that dies on introduction to the tna but ive never found it to be the case. :dunno:
Well I'm not sure whether I did the right thing or not.

I bought 4 guppies, all males.

6 Neon tetras - 3 of which are very small

1 Catfish, I forget which type, but I asked the guy in the store to recommend me one which doesn't grow too big.

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