Looking For Amano Shrimp. (us)

Thx for the replies.

I just called one of the LFS in NYC, and they said that they have cherry red shrimps!

well, I still couldn't find any amanos, but i think i'll just get some cherrys soon.

I hope they do well with my tetras. :D
Just an update.

So, I went to the fish shop and was going to get some cherry shrimps.

But surprisingly, they had Amano shrimps. So... I ended up buying five of them, and they are doing just fine so far in my 10 gal tank. :D
Mind telling me which LFS it was? I'd like to know in case I want some amanos in the future.
It's New World Aquarium. E 38th st in Manhattan.

The store was smaller than I thought, but they had nice selection of fish and plants.

They had Amanos and Cherry Reds.
Strange. I frequent that place a lot, and never really noticed the amanos. Always saw the red cherries though.

Yeah, it's a pretty small place. The first time I went there, I thought the "backroom" where they kept most of the livestock was an employees-only room. Nice place though, other than the $25 java ferns.

Thanks for the tip.
Oh.. they have everything in the backroom.

And 5 Amanos that I bought today were the last ones they had, I think.

So, if you wanna buy them, just in case, you have to wait until they restock them.

Lol. 25 bucks for Java Fern? I didn't see that, but that is insane. :crazy:

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