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  1. term_22000

    New Tank

    I have thought about it except I don't have the money for some of the fish I want. It's a great thought though. If you could recommend some cheap fish that look great I would love to look into it.
  2. term_22000

    New Tank

    I use RO, it's a little on the harder side though. I don't mind softening the water though. The dimensions of the tank are 3'lx 1.5'dx 2.25'h. It will be viewed from 2 sides. On the one side it will be about 5-6ft away. The other it will be 1-2ft away.
  3. term_22000

    New Tank

    Hey ya'll, What should I put in this tank. I have a 46gal tank with a canister filter and a 4bulb t5ho lighting system. I have done both Cichlids and tropical community fish. What should I do this time? I enjoyed both types of fish equally. What to do, what to do?
  4. term_22000

    Just Moved

    So I just thought I would let you all know I moved. In that move I lost my two angels Lucky and Chance. I had them for a few years and they made it through a lot. They survived an accidental poisoning, they made it through a heater exploding, they also made it through 2 moves. Move #3 got them...
  5. term_22000


    So I got some dwarf baby tears, some more hygrophilia compacta, and some ratlia or something like that. It's a yellow and redish plant.
  6. term_22000

    Planted Tank Plans

    Just to warn you Anacharis grows like a week
  7. term_22000


    I will think about that. I took frags from the ones that I have in there now to thin it out when I was trying to get something else going. They are growing pretty quick in there
  8. term_22000


    I have some babytears coming. I don't think I will do a moss carpet in my tank. They collect all the nasty crap that comes from the fish. I am also getting some more hygrophillia compacta. I am thinking I want more though, besides dwarf hairgrass, any other ideas?
  9. term_22000


    I have a feeling I want some foreground cover but I don't know what to put in my tank. I have all the lighting I need and I add liquid ferts/CO2. Does anyone have any ideas what would look good in this tank.
  10. term_22000

    New Cichlid Tank

    I thought about that but I want to have something a little nicer that won't get so much crap built up on it. I heard Java Moss is a good one to put in there and anubius but I haven't done it so I was curious
  11. term_22000

    New Cichlid Tank

    I was thinking about doing a planted tank for cichlids but I know they are really hard on plants. I was wondering if anyone has been successful in doing this and if so what plants have been put into the tank? If anyone has any ideas that would be great thanks for your input.
  12. term_22000

    Adding Substrate?

    Just being new to substrate and vaccuming it up Learned after awhile though
  13. term_22000

    Adding Substrate?

    As the title says, can adding substrate be done once the tank is established without destroying the tank already? Over the last couple years I have slowly lost substrate and am starting to need more. My plants aren't taking root anymore like they should. Any Ideas would be great. If the tank...
  14. term_22000

    Identify Plant

    They bottoms look good. They are starting to grow roots
  15. term_22000

    Identify Plant

    36" t5ho lighting, liquid CO2 and liquid ferts, liquid iron almost daily dosing on all those, sometimes every other day. Lighting is on for 10 hours, black substrate, pretty low tech. No fish are eating it either. It just started going brown, that and the baby tears but the dwarf hair grass is...
  16. term_22000

    Identify Plant try this one
  17. term_22000

    Identify Plant

    did you try copy and pasting it?
  18. term_22000

    Identify Plant

    Hey ya'll I need to identify this plant and then I need help figuring out why it is turning brown. Anything Helps thanks. file:///C:/Users/Tyler%20Hull/Pictures/fishtank/DSCN3507.JPG
  19. term_22000

    All Fish Go To Heaven

    So pretty much all my fish went belly up and I'm curious why. I've had my tank cycled and all my fish were doing well until I put some algae killer in that I've used before to kill the excessive amount of algae that has seem to explode in my tank all of a sudden. Any ideas as to why this algae...
  20. term_22000

    Filter Just Stopped Working

    It just randomly stopped working. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Or should I go buy a new one?
  21. term_22000

    Easy Plants For 37 Gallon Tank

    Having a pleco could tear up most plants that you put in there. I would try some sort of moss. Java moss might be a good one for you to have or some grass. I had a pleco with my amazon swords and it tore them up. I almost had to restart before I realized it was him that was taking the tole on them.
  22. term_22000

    Red Line Torpedo

    Over here in Utah, US, I have found them at a various range too. I bought my first ones when I couldn't find them anywhere and they were on sale for $20 a piece. I found them the other day for $10 a piece. The owner gave me a deal too cause they hadn't had time to settle and he wouldn't put a...
  23. term_22000

    Current Bioload

    If you went by the inch per gallon rule you would be pushing it.
  24. term_22000


    I have a 36" zoomed t5ho light on my tank and I was wondering if that is enough light in my tank for amazon swords, crypt and, dwarf hair grass? Does anyone know? Thanks
  25. term_22000

    Moving A Fish Tank

    I will after I finish scaping it. it's just at the start. I had to put my fish back in the tank already to :( the tank I moved them in was not near big enough for them to stay for more than a day or so.
  26. term_22000

    Moving A Fish Tank

    Moving was a success, now just to rescape the tank and put the fish back in the tank. Thanks for all ya'll's advice. It helped a lot.
  27. term_22000

    Moving A Fish Tank

    I'm planning on keeping half the water but I was curious about the plants. I would never leave much water in the tank because I don't want to damage it plus it's a 46 gal tank and it's rather awkward to carry and really heavy
  28. term_22000

    Moving A Fish Tank

    I'm moving my fish tank and was wondering besides leaving about an inch of water in it. Should I take all my plants out or leave them in the tank ect...
  29. term_22000

    White Bumps Other Than Ich?

    When you changed the water it could have caused it to kick up and to stress the fish out. I had to battle that in my tank and it eventually went away when I lower the amount of water changes and medicated the tank, medicate the tank and see if that helps if not... You could be in trouble
  30. term_22000

    Thread Fins + Betta

    I was at the pet store the other day and they had a crowntailed betta and 2 rasboras all in a 3 gallon tank. That got me thinking about my thread fins and how good the betta would look next to them. I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted this and been successful. They like a lot of the...
  31. term_22000

    Betta + Threadfinned Rainbows?

    I was at the pet store the other day and they had a crowntailed betta and 2 rasboras all in a 3 gallon tank. That got me thinking about my thread fins and how good the betta would look next to them. I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted this and been successful. They like a lot of the...
  32. term_22000

    Corys With Jack Dempseys?

    Yeah, JD's will grow quite large at least 12". I didn't know this when I first bought mine, but I had Emerald Corys in with mine. Granted they were not much bigger than yours are now.
  33. term_22000

    Dwarf Gouramis

    They seem to be turning brown on their face from the blue and gold that they used to be. I am wondering if this is normal as they get older or if something is wrong and can I fix it.
  34. term_22000

    Dumb Question, I Know The Answer...

    Your water shouldn't be going yellow. It should only change the way the air goes through the water and is pretty much like ^^^ said.
  35. term_22000

    Thread Finnned Rainbow Fish

    That's good to know, thanks for your input.
  36. term_22000

    Thread Finnned Rainbow Fish

    I do, I have had them for a long time. I just wanted to know about the tank size cause I have them in a 46gal bowfront right now but I have some fish that once they grow up they will swallow them whole.
  37. term_22000

    Thread Finnned Rainbow Fish

    Yeah, I think i got the 18 from height on the outside of the tank. I just remember it's something like that.
  38. term_22000


    It's just a standard 20gal tank. I think the demensions are close to 24"x12"x12"
  39. term_22000

    Thread Finnned Rainbow Fish

    yeah it's about 18" long. I have 9 of them.
  40. term_22000


    Hey ya'll, I need some ideas on great places to get some really good lighting for a tank that's about 18" long. I want to scape it and need lighting before I do anything else with it. I don't want to go past $100 for the lighting. For that price I could almost start a saltwater tank...