New Cichlid Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 31, 2010
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I was thinking about doing a planted tank for cichlids but I know they are really hard on plants. I was wondering if anyone has been successful in doing this and if so what plants have been put into the tank? If anyone has any ideas that would be great thanks for your input.
YOu may go with plastic or silk and they will no doubt destroy any live plant you put in.
I thought about that but I want to have something a little nicer that won't get so much crap built up on it. I heard Java Moss is a good one to put in there and anubius but I haven't done it so I was curious
Could try java fern or vallis, mine destroyed vallis but you could give them a try :good:
My Severum cichlid destroys most live plants I put in the tank and has dug up both live and plastic plants.
mine are all ok with anubias nana had a nibble to start with but must taste bad as they leave them now.
depends what type of cichlids, I have java fern and vallis in with my Tanganyikans and they havent touched the plants. Apart from one of my Brevis males who sometimes goes mental at the java fern next to his shell, doesn't eat it just pushes it away. But I think he just thinks its competing for territory hehe

O and the julies graze on the little bits of algea on the leaves of the java fern which is quite cool to watch.

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