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  1. Mogs26


    Well I changed to courgette and I have seen him on it-ONCE! He has been on the bogwood and is still devouring algae and pooping for England! The gold barbs eat the algae wafers-even after lights out-made their mouths quite sore on the first day :rolleyes: He seems a happy chap, but I would like...
  2. Mogs26


    I got a tiddly BN at the weekend, and he/she eats nothing but algae-tried dropping the algae wafer in and it was demolished by the other fish-put a piece of cucumber in, and it's untouched-not even by the other fish! The bn hasn't even been on the bogwood yet (got 2 large bits in the tank) lol...
  3. Mogs26

    Frequency Of Feedings

    lol! I just put an algae wafer in for Burnie-my new baby bn-he's far too interested in the gunk on the heater suckers to be bothered, but the gold barbs are all over it!- all 6 of them heads down squabbbling over Burnie's breakfast is a sight to see :rolleyes: lol I will try the lights out trick...
  4. Mogs26

    Fish - Caption Competition :d

    "Were you born looking like that?"
  5. Mogs26

    Fish - Caption Competition :d

    Who invited the gooseberry?
  6. Mogs26

    Fish - Caption Competition :d

    I thought when I was kissed I was supposed to turn into a handsome prince :shout: I want my lawyer-I am going to sue!
  7. Mogs26

    Forced Into Fish In Cycle Due To Not Much Research And Bad Advice From

    My halogens definitely make my readings more yellow-I was quite surprised!
  8. Mogs26

    Fish - Caption Competition :d

    'I thought someone said fish were stupid-I just looked and this bloke has zero seriously!!!' :blink:
  9. Mogs26

    Fish - Caption Competition :d

    Hey! Who put superglue on the glass? :crazy:
  10. Mogs26

    Seachem Purigen

    That sounds interesting! I really shouldn't read this forum-my DH will be confiscating my credit cards!!! Carole x
  11. Mogs26

    Forced Into Fish In Cycle Due To Not Much Research And Bad Advice From

    It's also worth making sure you check your stats in daylight-not artificial-I worried a lot about slight ammonia levels in my water, but was advised that some artificial lights make the readings look slightly green-checked in daylight and the results were fine!
  12. Mogs26

    Angel Fish

    My nephew is really interested-just moved from Carshalton, so knows where it is!!! I will pm you his phone number Carole x
  13. Mogs26

    Riccia Fluitans & Java Fern

    Can I have a portion of riccia if you have any left please? I should have ordered when I got the fern, but I thought the frogbit might go potty! As I am controlling easily at the weekly tank maintenance, I think I could cope with some more floating plants-especially as I have got rid of all my...
  14. Mogs26

    I Need Wood! Didn't Mean It Like That! ??? ebay ????
  15. Mogs26

    Do You Find Declohrinator Smells?

    I got some on my hands at the last water change-couldn't believe the stench! Carole x
  16. Mogs26


    There was a good thread on that a while back and the OP explained why it wasn't too bad, but I have a condensing boiler so not a problem any way Carole
  17. Mogs26


    I like the slow flow-means I can do all the glass cleaning, gravel vac, filter clean etc while the tank is empying-I strap the hose to the tank cross bar, and don't have to worry about it falling out, so I can clean at the sink, using tank water collected from the lower outlet! As I gravel vac...
  18. Mogs26

    Python...thing... discussion and instructions here-very easy to make-even I managed! Could you not just put a long hose piece attached to the third prong of the Y connector and run it outside? Then remove and replace with the end stop...
  19. Mogs26

    How To Make A Diy Python

    I have managed it every time so far-draping it over the door while the water is running, then dropping it down when I turn it off-works for me! Carole x
  20. Mogs26

    Riccia Fluitans & Java Fern

  21. Mogs26

    If You Have Moonlight, You Need Glofish

    Being in the UK I have never seen one in IRL, and so can't comment on whether I like them or not aesthetically, and as I said before, I am on the fence with regards to the ethics, as I would have to read a whole lot more to be an expert, so I'll leave it to those of you are already experts to...
  22. Mogs26

    Riccia Fluitans & Java Fern

    thanks-I am going to try to attach the fern to stones and bogwood later today Carole x Edit: Done it! I was very proud of myself, now all I have to do is keep them alive-I am a proper arsenic fingers when it comes to house plants, but maybe the fish will look after these? :rolleyes: ;)
  23. Mogs26

    Riccia Fluitans & Java Fern

    They arrived today thanks and look lovely! I haven't had a chance to fix them to the bogwood, as I am in and out today, so I have them floating in a bowl!
  24. Mogs26

    Feeding Strategies

    Is this any help, or are you looking for info with particular reference to tanks? I suspect that many fish simply follow the pattern of feeding they exibit in the wild, so maybe you can find some ideas in this article? Good luck Carole x
  25. Mogs26

    Help With My Stocking Please :)

    :lol: I don't know what their fancy name is, all I know is they aren't too big lol! They are lovely little fish-lively and playful-they love the filter bubbles! My LFS told me they were ok for my 35 L Biube, and he was right-they didn't grow massive, but they are much happier in their new des res!
  26. Mogs26

    Help With My Stocking Please :)

    My golden barbs aren't very big fully grown-and I had them in my 35L tank-I think there are several varieties known as gold or golden-including the gold tin foil barb, which is a really big beggar!!!! correct me if I am wrong!
  27. Mogs26

    If You Have Moonlight, You Need Glofish

    correct me if I am wrong, but I think it's illegal to dye fish in the uk, but not to sell dyed fish in the uk-go figure that one out! (not glofish) Interesting article about modified fish here-TFF I...
  28. Mogs26

    The Missus Is Gonna Kill Me......

    PIZZA?! I will have to have a word with your DW - I would have held out for a lot more :hey: :lol: Love it (but I would have gone mental if my kids did that too!-nimby I know!!!)
  29. Mogs26

    Help With My Stocking Please :)

    I am no expert, so can only tell you what I have, and I think they'd be ok with what you have. Don't know how long you've been set up, but neon tetras don't seem to like new tanks, and I have never had a great deal of success with them-others have said the same. I have some x ray tetras which...
  30. Mogs26

    Riccia Fluitans & Java Fern

    Done! C x
  31. Mogs26

    Help With My Stocking Please :)

    Lol! Sorry-I can be very dim at times! I am no help-total noob-I will let others help you-now they know you have 6:4 ratio female to male :lol:
  32. Mogs26

    Cory Or Loachs

    I love cories, but my substrate is too sharp!
  33. Mogs26

    Help With My Stocking Please :)

    64 females ?????????????????????
  34. Mogs26

    Riccia Fluitans & Java Fern

    I would like about 3 bits of fern, please could you pm me your deets? Thanks Carole x
  35. Mogs26

    Problem With Tff?

    No probs for me at the moment Carole x
  36. Mogs26

    Upgraded Tank - All Fish Dying!

    glad to hear that things are picking up in your tank!Thanks for the explanation about the salt-I have never used it, but funnily enough I read another post about its use in treating some diseases-I have sooo much to learn!
  37. Mogs26

    Should I Worry?

    Well he seems a bit perkier tonight-it was harder to spot him against the others, so perhaps whatever he was stressed over is calming down now! He is still puffing a bit, but not so bad and seems to be displaying his reds again more frequently!
  38. Mogs26

    Should I Worry?

    Well this morning he is still breathing quickly, but not so wide when he opens his mouth. He's not displaying his red fins, and they are still a bit pale, but he isn't off his food-he eats like they all do-like a horse! He doesn't look right, mostly because he isn't displaying his red, but I...
  39. Mogs26

    Upgraded Tank - All Fish Dying!

    this isn't a critcism, only a question, as I don't know the answer, but why 1/2 cup of salt? Carole x