
U were right I went and got 2 baby BN's and not even 2 mins after I put them in there were eating like crazy!! I can't wait till they get bigger! Is there a way I can tell what sex they are at this size there only about 1.5" inches.... Or do I have to wait?
My female cleans constantly all day, but the male is really lazy, spends alot of time perched on top of a cave, or under the bogwood.
Well I got Algae Grazers! Fish food for all Algae Eaters. HBH makes them. On the back of the package is says HBH is committed to bringin you the best quality yadda yadda yadda. Vitamins and minerals yadda yadda yadda!

Problem is my Pleco wont touch the things. Last night I dropped one in the tank after lights out. Found a mushy untouched wafer this morning! What should I give her? I think she's a she? I'm just about out of Algae for her to eat...

Try a slice of cucumber,i have a clip with a sucker but you just drop it in, my Royal pleco deffo recomends it! :rolleyes:
I tried dropping the cucumber in as suggested but it just floated around for an hour. Will it eventually drop to the bottom? It hasn't eaten a thing but algae since it got it. darn BN is stressing me out.

Pfff i forgot to say you need to weight it down but its worth the effort.
I got a tiddly BN at the weekend, and he/she eats nothing but algae-tried dropping the algae wafer in and it was demolished by the other fish-put a piece of cucumber in, and it's untouched-not even by the other fish! The bn hasn't even been on the bogwood yet (got 2 large bits in the tank) lol! All he/she is interested in is the crud that builds up on my heater (which has now gone, as I put a heater guard on it, when the bn looked like it might think it was a good place to sleep :rolleyes:) and my considerable build up of brown algae-it cleaned through the tank back in no time-could do with some work on the front now-maybe when it is more settled? In the meantime, I am replacing the cucumber daily, and waiting for the bn to get interested in something other than algae!!!
I figure if there's something there and it doesn't eat it, it is because it is not hungry!
^^ feed wafers 30 minutes after total lights out (room lights too), the regular fish go to sleep and the BN will still be active. sounds like it has plenty of food to survive on though.
^^ feed wafers 30 minutes after total lights out (room lights too), the regular fish go to sleep and the BN will still be active. sounds like it has plenty of food to survive on though.
Well I changed to courgette and I have seen him on it-ONCE! He has been on the bogwood and is still devouring algae and pooping for England! The gold barbs eat the algae wafers-even after lights out-made their mouths quite sore on the first day :rolleyes: He seems a happy chap, but I would like to see him eat somethinng else!

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