Should I Worry?


Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Near Croydon UK
This morning, one of my male rainbows seems to be breathing a bit fast-his red fins are a bit pale, but he's definitely not off his food, and there's no other symptoms. I do a head count every morning, and all seemed fine yesterday, so it's a recent thing. If it's a disease, I hope to catch it early, so would be grateful for your thoughts.
Tank size: 215 L
nitrate:40 (comes out of the tap like that!)
kH:Can't test
gH:Can't test
tank temp:24

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):Slightly pale on red fins, and breathing rapidly but no other symptoms-eating well and swimming fine

Volume and Frequency of water changes:30% weekly (last done on Saturday)

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: only Seachem Prime at water change

Tank inhabitants:In signature

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):Last fish added 2 weeks ago-2 baby x-rays
Exposure to chemicals:None
Thank you
Carole x
Could just be stress from fighting between males, or something like that. I would wait and watch, also have at least an anti-fin rot/fungus medication (I use eSHa 2000) and whitespot medication at hand, just in case.
Could just be stress from fighting between males, or something like that. I would wait and watch, also have at least an anti-fin rot/fungus medication (I use eSHa 2000) and whitespot medication at hand, just in case.
Thank you I will do that-nobody else seems unhappy in there and he doesn't seem any worse atm-I hope its nothing more serious, as I have been really good with my tank maintenance!
I'm sure there's not a problem with your water quality but just in case Rainbows are very sensitive to water quality so it may be an early sign of the filter needing a rinse. The only other thing I can think of is as the op says, just a bit stressed or tired from sorting the pecking order but so long as there's a good M/F ratio they should be ok.

Not much help, sorry!
I'm sure there's not a problem with your water quality but just in case Rainbows are very sensitive to water quality so it may be an early sign of the filter needing a rinse. The only other thing I can think of is as the op says, just a bit stressed or tired from sorting the pecking order but so long as there's a good M/F ratio they should be ok.

Not much help, sorry!
Thank you-I rinse the filter/replace the floss every week-it's a trickle filter, so I hope it's ok. There isn't much squabbling going on thankfully, although the M/F ratio isn't great 6:5 Females to Males, Drobby advised it should be 2:1, but that if I have more girls than boys, it might be ok-they have been getting along happily since I upped the nembers of girls! I will keep an eye on him. I discovered an in date bottle of eSHa 2000 when I changed everything over from one tank to the other-it was recommended by my lfs as an emergency measure, so I have it in case!
Well this morning he is still breathing quickly, but not so wide when he opens his mouth. He's not displaying his red fins, and they are still a bit pale, but he isn't off his food-he eats like they all do-like a horse! He doesn't look right, mostly because he isn't displaying his red, but I don't think they are clamped, as every now and again, they come out. He looks a bit scruffy due to this, but I have watched him, and his fins don't look raggy. I will keep watching. Thanks for the advice
Carole x
Well he seems a bit perkier tonight-it was harder to spot him against the others, so perhaps whatever he was stressed over is calming down now! He is still puffing a bit, but not so bad and seems to be displaying his reds again more frequently!

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