If You Have Moonlight, You Need Glofish

This are my moonlights, they are fixed to the lamp yet, they are just over the glass:

This pic is with moonlight on and room lights on:

Moonlight, the pink line you see is the glofish:

As Gvilleguy said is really hard to take pics of fish in the dark, cause you can set shutter speed high enough to take a still pic cause pic will be dark, but this is the best i can do, you can clearly see the glofish in front and my honey gourami in the back:
correct me if I am wrong, but I think it's illegal to dye fish in the uk, but not to sell dyed fish in the uk-go figure that one out! (not glofish)
Interesting article about modified fish here-TFF
I agree you shouldn't buy them-they are only produced because there is a demand-no demand-no supply-simples!
Edited to say I am not referring to glofish-not sure where I stand on them-firmly on the fence probably lol!!! It's the dyed fish I was referring to!!
I am another one that doesn't like the glow fish they look fake to me..
didn't someone say you don't mess with mother nature...
I alway sigh when someone posts a thread saying how they like Glofish, because it always brings out the people with the "you shouldn't have Glofish" comments. I have commented on several threads just like this one - we first have to explain that they are not dyed - but they are genetically engineered, etc. There should be a big sticky note somewhere saying "yes, we know Glofish are controversial, but many, many people think they are just fine, and will continue to purchase them, so no need to tell us how wrong we are".
Tbh I can't even see how they're controversial. Many who are against genetically engineering/altering animal/plants etc often aren't aware of just how much they rely on the results of genetic testing/manipulation, literally on a day to day basis.
what do you think tuxedo platies are? most fish we have today are ugly, plain things in the wild, but when we engineered them, and bred them, they became beautiful. i personally like glofish, and if a few eggs need to be injected to make multi-million dollar companies and beautiful additions to a fish tank, so be it. atleast its helping the economy
Tbh I can't even see how they're controversial. Many who are against genetically engineering/altering animal/plants etc often aren't aware of just how much they rely on the results of genetic testing/manipulation, literally on a day to day basis.

Its because of what is to come in a sense. IMO just wait for it. Fish are just the first step. Wait till you can get a dog or cat has actual luminescence. One that actually glows in a dark room, not fluorescence like the glofish. You must then ask where we should be drawing the line when it come to aesthetics for pet animals and GMOs. Its no different then artificial selection in this hobby. Where do we draw the line on what is too much. I know IMO the line has been crossed many times by breeders. Not all of us agree on what mutations put too much impact on a fish, we all have a different line. In my eyes "balloon" fish and other similar ones barely hover above dyed fish.

Also people wild fish are NOT ugly. Of all the fish I keep only 2 are tank strains, every other fish is as it appears in the wild in its beautiful unaltered state. IMO tank strains look just barely less fake then glofish. But what it comes down to people is keep what ever you like in this hobby. I like wild type fish, I am in school as a biomajor and have experience messing with organisms. I've made bacteria glow using the same gene from the glofish. I have absolutely nothing against the glofish, other then I think the zebra danio looks 10 times better. But opinions are only opinions.
Being in the UK I have never seen one in IRL, and so can't comment on whether I like them or not aesthetically, and as I said before, I am on the fence with regards to the ethics, as I would have to read a whole lot more to be an expert, so I'll leave it to those of you are already experts to do that! :lol:
Carole x

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