Help With My Stocking Please :)


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2010
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Hey, i have re-done my tank and re-homed my old fish to my other tank. I planted it up and today i went to my LFS. I want a comuntiy tank after my last fish were agressive fish. The only fish in there before today is my BN plec who is staying. Today i started my comuntiy by buying cherry barbs. I brought 6 4 females and 2 males. setling in very nice were very timid at first but now roaming the tank. Tank looks very empty with only 6 little fish in. As the cherry barbs are not very old i would imagin! because there tiny! anyway i want to add more soon once its settled down. Im finking maybe some neon tetras but not sure what else? Any ideas what i can add to make a brillaint comunity tank? i dont like gouramis so not them finking different types of tetras. my tank is a 95L and im planning to get a fluval 205 when i get paid for it so i guess i can over stock it a little because will be heavily filterd? some suggestion would be great :D
Lol! Sorry-I can be very dim at times! I am no help-total noob-I will let others help you-now they know you have 6:4 ratio female to male :lol:
Im going to the fish shop in the morning when i finnish work and still dont know what to get :( any ideas people?
I am no expert, so can only tell you what I have, and I think they'd be ok with what you have. Don't know how long you've been set up, but neon tetras don't seem to like new tanks, and I have never had a great deal of success with them-others have said the same. I have some x ray tetras which are nice and some golden barbs. My biggest fish are the dwarf neon rainbows--not sure if they are ok for your tank size though. They are very pretty and have too small a mouth to eat the smaller fish lol-they get prettier the older they get too! They are very sensitive to water parameters, so if you go for them, make sure you do frequent water changes! (I do 30% weekly-stock list below)
Have fun with whatever you decide on
Carole x
... my tank is a 95L and im planning to get a fluval 205 when i get paid for it so i guess i can over stock it a little because will be heavily filterd? some suggestion would be great :D

No, you cannot over filter... And with the fluval you can regulate the water flow, so that it does not create waves, in your tank..without affecting the impeller of the filter...
In a 95l tank I wouldn't recommend gold barbs (not saying you were mogs... but if the OP takes a like to them but doesn't take a look at how big they get then they'd possibly run into problems).

There are alot of tetras that would be suitable. But have you considered keeping the number of species in the tank as a whole to maybe 3?

Personally I'd go for something like a large shoal of cherry barbs, 1/2 dwarf flag cichlids (or other similar peaceful dwarf cichlids) and a group of kuhli loach or corys etc depending on your substrate.

With the stocking suggestion above you would have plenty of movement/activity at all levels of the tank and it would look 'balanced' which is what I like to see... but at the same time it wont suit everyone. lol.
In a 95l tank I wouldn't recommend gold barbs (not saying you were mogs... but if the OP takes a like to them but doesn't take a look at how big they get then they'd possibly run into problems).

There are alot of tetras that would be suitable. But have you considered keeping the number of species in the tank as a whole to maybe 3?

Personally I'd go for something like a large shoal of cherry barbs, 1/2 dwarf flag cichlids (or other similar peaceful dwarf cichlids) and a group of kuhli loach or corys etc depending on your substrate.

With the stocking suggestion above you would have plenty of movement/activity at all levels of the tank and it would look 'balanced' which is what I like to see... but at the same time it wont suit everyone. lol.
My golden barbs aren't very big fully grown-and I had them in my 35L tank-I think there are several varieties known as gold or golden-including the gold tin foil barb, which is a really big beggar!!!! correct me if I am wrong!
Oh is it Golden barb as in Puntius semifasciolatus that you have? If so fair enough... you're only talking 2" for them and I couldn't comment on their tempremant. However Puntius sachsii (Gold barbs) grow to around 3" and are VERY voracious eaters so really do need the rest of the stocking planning around them... as in I wouldn't have them with catfish unless it was a very long tank as I just wouldn't expect enough of the food to reach the bottom.

However having said all this I think the OP went out and bought lemon tetras as per their other thread on the exact same topic.
:lol: I don't know what their fancy name is, all I know is they aren't too big lol! They are lovely little fish-lively and playful-they love the filter bubbles! My LFS told me they were ok for my 35 L Biube, and he was right-they didn't grow massive, but they are much happier in their new des res!
cheers fpr the replys. in the end i went for lemon tetras. i looked at your advise and i think im going to keep it to a few species. i have 6 cherry barbs and 5 lemon tetras and 1 bn plec. i intend to rise the the cherry barbs to 8 and raise the lemon tetras to 10. and see how that goes. if all is good and there seems abit more room im finking or 1 male sword tail and 2 or 3 females to finnish it off. but not sure on that yet. the new 5 lemon tetras look great together swimming around so by rounding them up to 10 i think will look awsome even better then buying a different trype of shoaling tetra. even though i really did want a runny nose tetra? if thats what there called? lol

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