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    Does Anyone Prefer Gravel Over Sand

    Ive never tried sand but i like to use a mixture of large and small gravel, at the moment I have standerd dorset pea in the centre banked by fine black limpopo gravel either side
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    What Next ?

    After checking out the bolivian rams ive found Ive kept just a pair of these before (I know them as butterfly rams)and i spent alot of time with the smaller female in quarintine as when in the main tank it just kept getting harrased by the male. I tried adding extra plants to divide the tank up...
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    What Next ?

    my lights at the moment are 1x 107cm 40w T8 power-glo and 1x 107cm, 40w, T8 aqua-glo. These are well overdue for a change as they are what came with my tank which I bought second hand, but again Im not sure what wattage, brand of lighting or which suppliers to use on the internet in future. Im...
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    Brown On Tank Sides

    Im no expert but ive had diatoms before and found just keep up with water changes add a B/N catfish (if suitable in your setup) and soon the brown stuff is gone.   Remember though keep up with waterchanges because even if the B/N eats all the algae theres still something causing the brown...
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    What Next ?

    Thankyou ill look into the bolivian rams now, I'm not a fan of gouramis myself to be honest, I dont know why but they just dont appeal to me.   Anymore suggestions on plants I know I said before I dont want to use ferts but I wouldnt mind using something like tnc complete which was suggested to...
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    What Next ?

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    Female German Blue Ram Sick?

    how long did you have them i believe they only have around a 2yr lifespan, ,maybe just old age
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    What Next ?

    so last october after moving I finally got to set up my 4ft tank, and move everything from my previous 30gal setup into it. The tank has a p.h. of 7.6, 55 gal (I think) running a fluval u4 internal and 305 external, temp is 26oC. Nutrafin ferts once a week. I havn't tested the water for a...
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    Is My Tank Safe?

    Still havent got round to taking pics but i will say this 'my tank is full and my floor is dry thank god'. The bubble is tiny but stands out a mile to me because i know its there i just wish i had noticed it before i painted the back black so i could of painted over the bubble instead.
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    Is My Tank Safe?

    bump* can anyone advise me further on this issue plz, I dont know whether to top up and just carry on or start looking for a new tank.
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    Is My Tank Safe?

    no I bought second hand so no warrenty.
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    Is My Tank Safe?

    I got the chance to set my fluval roma 240 up and running 4 weeks ago today. However when i was going to top up the water in the tank I noticed there is an air bubble in the glass near the top right hand corner. Ive since put lowerd the water level below the bubble and the tank is currently...
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    Can I Have Cherry Shrimps?

    I posted a thread in discussions about my ammonia couple of days ago and im still unsure as if its down to the kit. My tank is running well with no signs of ill health in the fish but I am also in the process of setting up a larger tank so Im gonna refine my stocking as soon as thats running...
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    Can I Have Cherry Shrimps?

    would my tank be suitable for young cherry shrimp? 30 gal Substrate pea and fine black gravel mix. Decor, Bog and mopani wood, 1 large slate cave and one glass cave with gravel glued to the out side. Plants Java fern, Java moss, and two other plants I dont know without looking it up again...
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    A Warm Night In Cornwall

    very nice ive allwys wanted to incorporate stars into a background scene for a fish tank somehow.
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    50G Community Tank

    be carefull adding salt weekly im no expert but im sure it doesnt just go away once its in the tank. So I think its possible you may endup with brackish water anyway if you continue to add salt weekly
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    Air Pumps

    im the opposite in my main tank i only use two internals firing over the water surface. However when storing water for water changes i leave an airpump, mini internal filter and heater in the container.
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    High Ammonia And Nitrate Help Plz

    thanks ive just done my weekly water change and when checking my fish my smaller gbr is looking pretty poor so will make sure he gets rested in the qt tank asap apart from that one fish all others are looking fine. Ill also post water results later
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    High Ammonia And Nitrate Help Plz

    The tank went through a mini cycle about 8 months ago but since then the tank has been disease free and my plants are not amazing but growing well enough until i set up the 4 footer (and gain a bit more knowledge )which has sat empty in my living room for the last 6 months. I have added fish...
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    High Ammonia And Nitrate Help Plz

    thanks zoddy i will try that later
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    High Ammonia And Nitrate Help Plz

    I change at least 50% water a week (Ive allways done weekly water changes)and im using the api liquid test kit also. Im very carefull with feeding and im running two filters, one is a fluval 2 and the other is a fluval u4 which are both mature media wise i also use prime for my new tank water...
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    High Ammonia And Nitrate Help Plz

    Hi Guys Around a year ago I started testing my water after problems with finrot, the results at the time were as follows PH 7.8, Ammonia 0.25ppm, Nitrite 0ppm and Nitrate 40ppm. The thing is even though my tank has definently improved since then my test results remain the same. Can anyone...
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    Is This Safe ?

    I have purchased some 'westlands 100% organic chicken manure pellets' for my garden and wonderd if anyone could tell me would this product be safe to use as a root tab in my aquarium? Thanks in advance for any help.
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    Tiger Barbs Dying

    Sorry to hear your plight but be patient and things will most likely settle down. When i first set up everything was fine in my 2ft tank but then I had to change tanks because of a leak. I changed over to a slightly larger 30x16x16 tank and things slowly went very wrong , Basically I had...
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    Little Help Needed

    just make sure you look after the filters and media inside this is where a big part of your benificial bacteria lives. personally id keep them running as much as possible in water from the tank dont be tempted to clean the sponges out unless there slowing the filters down, if you do need to give...
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    How Do Use/feed Frozen Brine Shrimp?

    ive got freeze dried bloodworm as part of there diet just a small amount every 2 days as ive heard to much is bad. I wanted to use something a bit more natural to give my recovering fish a boost, I didnt want to go down the route of shop bought livefood as im to paranoid of bringing nasties in...
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    Advice On Fan Shrimps

    I went to my lfs (Wharf Aquatics)a few weeks ago and saw some large brown coloured fan shrimps. Im not sure of the exact species but can anyone give me some general information on keeping these as I would like some in my community tank if they are suitable.
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    How Do Use/feed Frozen Brine Shrimp?

    lol next time ill put it in bit by bit i didnt think there would be so much. I ended up netting aload out and doing an extra water change on the quarintine tank to get the rest out nice and clean aqain tho. :)
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    Can I Have A Crab With My Fish?

    from personal experience id never have a crab again I had 2 red claw crabs and they ate all my rooted plants and nipped my bristlenose plec leaving it with open wounds which inturn left it vulnerable to infection. Im sure this was what caused an outbreak of finrot in my tank which killed about...
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    How Much Salt Per Uk Gallon?

    ok thanks ill just keep the salt stored for now. My Blue ram is improving anyway Ive been doing daily water changes and added a little brine shrimp to its diet.
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    How Much Salt Per Uk Gallon?

    Thanks yes I want to treat my blue ram but I want to add some to my community tank aswell as ive been advised a little bit is good for the tank but how much? There is no instructions with my salt as its from the lfs bulk bag but i didnt want to ask the staff that was working because hes given...
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    How Do Use/feed Frozen Brine Shrimp?

    thanks guys appreciated :)
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    How Much Salt Per Uk Gallon?

    Can someone plz tell me how much salt i need to use per uk gallon plz I have a GBR in quarintine after it got stressed and started losing its colour whenit was introduced to the tank. The fish was brought 2 weeks ago and i moved him/her out of the community into a 7 gal 3 days ago and there is...
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    How Do Use/feed Frozen Brine Shrimp?

    Hi guys just bin to the lfs and came back with some Salt lake city brand frozen brine shrimp but ive never used it before. Could some one plz advise how to use it properly? do i need to defrost it? Thanks in advance :) :) :)
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    Off To The Lfs Some Advice On Lights Plz

    Im going to replace one of my bulbs today the other being an arcadia day light and was wondering what type i should get to replace the old one as im not sure whats the best lights on the market. The bulb im replacing is an 18" Arcadia natural light, Im quiet sure its what you would call a T5...
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    Should I Euthanize?

    Thanks guys heres a quick update. MY diamond seems to be ok now with just a small mark where the white thing was and is still feeding well but has taken to hiding in the quarentine tank, Im guessing this is normal as hes on his own away from the group. The quarintine tank has worked out well...
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    Should I Euthanize?

    Thanks guys and thats ok jarednsteph I understand where you were coming from. my diamond seems to be improving, whatever it was growing on its side has fallen off through the night. If this fish continues to improve how long should i keep it in the quarintine tank before releasing it back into...
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    Should I Euthanize?

    I apologise if this thread ruffled feathers that was not my intention at all . Forget all thats gone before as the fish is set up in quarintine (using old media the stats are the same as my main tank at the mo) and is still the same as before no improvement but no worse either Im still not sure...