Should I Euthanize?

You didn't read my statement correct. Have another go. I was sticking up for the OP, but I also think the OP is irresponsible for jumping to euthanization before getting a diagnoses.

I HAVE been in this situation, I am currently treating a mysterious parasitic infection that was introduced after my fishless cycle...$200 of meds later and still need a different med. Then we were victims of identity theft have left us with a negative bank balance and a lot of struggling to get by. My fish aren't being treated properly until next week when we are reimbursed as I only had enough meds to treat one tank.

Don't be such a hot head and take a second to comprehend what you are reading.

Apologies but I thought you accused the OP of trying to 'ruffle some feathers' and not accepting your help, even after explaining his situation to you? As I mentioned, I didn't want to assume your situation so I didn't subject that statement to you directly, it was a pretty general thing and wanted to get my point across. I didn't mean for it to come across so aggressively; a little 'what the hell' but not aggressive and for that I am sorry.
I'm not getting involved in any arguements but I just wanted to point out I have severe health problems myself and I'm running a home on a little over £100 a week but if my fish were ill I'd go without myself to get meds to make them well. There's no way I'd net one out and kill it just because it was unwell and could make the rest of the tank ill. The same applies for my dog. If she's ill and needs a vet I go without food if neccesary.

I'd only kill any of my animals if I thought it was suffering and it was for the best

That said I'm now bowing out of this conversation. If denzil decides to kill the fish I don't want to know about it.

Best wishes
I thought that making a thread about euthanizing a fish without trying to find out what was wrong, even saying that the fish is eating and acting normally, was perhaps a call for attention. If you really gave a crap, wouldn't you at least diagnose an issue?

However, I was giving the OP the benefit of the doubt and trying to get Denzil some help regardless.

I'm staying out of this thread now. Hope you sort it out Denzil, with the QT tank. Health probs with fish are sooooo frustrating. Please don't resort to just killing fish off. Goodluck!
I apologise if this thread ruffled feathers that was not my intention at all .

Forget all thats gone before as the fish is set up in quarintine (using old media the stats are the same as my main tank at the mo) and is still the same as before no improvement but no worse either Im still not sure what is wrong with the fish so for now I am just doing small frequent changes on the quarintine and have a added a little aquarium salt.

Hope this will benifit the fish and he returns to the main tank soon.

Sorry again guys.
I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and being so insensitive to your current financial situation. I have, on occasion, ran my car on fumes or gone without a few essentials to buy medicine for my fish, but that's just me. So I wholeheartedly apologize.

I always try to keep the basic meds on hand, ich treatment and/or a broad spectrum anti-fungal remedy...this has helped me out of many sticky situations when a fish has become ill when I have more week left at the end of my money.

Hope your fish is doing better :)
Thanks guys and thats ok jarednsteph I understand where you were coming from.

my diamond seems to be improving, whatever it was growing on its side has fallen off through the night.

If this fish continues to improve how long should i keep it in the quarintine tank before releasing it back into the main tank?
Thanks guys heres a quick update.

MY diamond seems to be ok now with just a small mark where the white thing was and is still feeding well but has taken to hiding in the quarentine tank, Im guessing this is normal as hes on his own away from the group.

The quarintine tank has worked out well and stats have been consistentley good with 50% daily water changes (I used water and filter media from my existing tank to set up).

Thanks again and heres hoipng in a few more days he can return to the main tank.

The fishy gods were mercyful in the end lol :) :) :)

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