A Warm Night In Cornwall


Fish Herder
Nov 13, 2011
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Last night was very warm, very still and stunningly clear so after a few beers decided to get the camera out and see what turned up and these two photo's did:



I brightened them just a little but apart from that there is no manipulation; I'm a bit of a photo purist. :hey:

I love living here, it's so dark at times.
im near teignmouth and it was a beautiful warm night here too with lovely clear skies
very nice ive allwys wanted to incorporate stars into a background scene for a fish tank somehow.
very nice ive allwys wanted to incorporate stars into a background scene for a fish tank somehow.

Space fish! Awesome!

[I wonder how one would stop the water boiling off in the vacuum]
WOW! Very pretty picture you took! :)

How warm, exactly?
Where I'm at, it's gotten up to 115 degrees farenheit. [If the computer didn't lie to me, it's about 46 degrees celcius..)
Only about 103 right now, cool day!(NOT) Hehe, you pay for it if you live in Southwest part of the States. :D
WOW! Very pretty picture you took! :)

How warm, exactly?
Where I'm at, it's gotten up to 115 degrees farenheit. [If the computer didn't lie to me, it's about 46 degrees celcius..)
Only about 103 right now, cool day!(NOT) Hehe, you pay for it if you live in Southwest part of the States. :D

You will have a different definition of 'warm'. At the time of taking the pictures it was about 20 celcius, 68 farenheit, and at midnight in the UK that's pretty warm.
wow i wish i could see the stars like that... but atlas i live in the city... xD

nice pictures

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