Can I Have A Crab With My Fish?


New Member
Oct 9, 2011
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I really want a crab for my tank but will not risk it killing my fish but I have seen people have crabs etc in there tanks quite happily with their fish. I have 3 parrot fish, a plec and an albino shark, would it be possible to have a crab or any invertebrae in my tank?
from personal experience id never have a crab again I had 2 red claw crabs and they ate all my rooted plants and nipped my bristlenose plec leaving it with open wounds which inturn left it vulnerable to infection. Im sure this was what caused an outbreak of finrot in my tank which killed about 80% of my fish.
99.9% of crabs sold for aquariums have quite specific needs that include lots of dry land. its only the tai micro crab im aware of that is fully aquatic

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