Does Anyone Prefer Gravel Over Sand

Ive never tried sand but i like to use a mixture of large and small gravel, at the moment I have standerd dorset pea in the centre banked by fine black limpopo gravel either side
That sounds good do any of you gravel guys have any pics of your tanks that you could put up would love to see some of these tanks
No, i love aquarium sand, but inhave no choice with the fish i have anyway. I Would prefer gravel over play sand but by bitter hatred for play sand is no secret.
Before with sand

Now note decor just anyrwhere atm while the dust settles will properly arrange soon
I have tanks with sand. I have tanks with small size gravel. I have tanks with medium size gravel. I have a tank with large gravel. I have bare bottom tanks. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
I will agree that sand shows off the dirt the most, but it great for plants and many bottom dwellers like it. Small gravel usually looks great, plants great and the bottom folks can handle it fine unless they are smaller burrowers. Snails can burrow in it though. Ii doesn't show the dirt.
Larger gravel gets harder to plant, difficult to impossible to burrow in and shows no dirt.
Bare bottom is essential for hospital and most quarantine tanks. It is great for breeding and grow out as well. It shows the dirt, uneaten food and anything that comes out of the fish- which is often a main reason for being bare bottom, as well as being a snap to clean.
In the end use what works for your tank and which you feel is acceptable for your fish.
The only reason sand would look dirty is if the flow coming from filters/powerheads isn't well distributed and causes dead zones, or the most common is tanks with very little flow, or underfiltered tanks. If you don't have a reason to keep the flow super low, like in a betta tank for example, then increase the flow and use at least two devices, like a filter and a powerhead so you can cover all areas.  I've got 4 tanks and I had to play with the filters and power heads in some to actually eliminate dead zones where dirt gathers and I don't need to siphon almost anything anymore. This would apply to gravel lovers because the bottom will reach enough flow to keep it healthy/oxygenated and void of debris.  If you've got just one filter in a tank it's almost impossible to do I guess.
As for looks, it depends what you like, both may look good as there's now all type of sand types and colours too. I prefer sand because I like feeding micro pellets my fish to prevent them from all fighting for the same pellet,  and the pellets don't disappear between the gravel. Also, I love bottom fish of all types.

On another note, lack of flow at the bottom does help algae grow better. In one tank that I started with a sponge filter I got black brush algae on the dwarf grass at first and of course the diatoms that appear in a newly cycled tank. I trimmed the plants and put a second filter and the algae and diatoms disappeared
and haven't come back since.
I have had both at some point....finding it alot easier to grow real plants in a gravel tank (plants getting ALOT stronger with tank age) but then finding sand a much more natural, cleaner looking substrate. I can see the benefits of both, but for a purely asthetic reason then it has to be sand.
Hi All

Thanks for the pic what a pukka tank good job done there mate.

So my gravel is in (Dorset Pea Small) and have to say im well happy with it really glad i made the switch.

Thanks for all the opinions very welcome indeed.

Great forum
shepherd88 said:
Before with sand

Now note decor just anyrwhere atm while the dust settles will properly arrange soon
Ive been searching for this gravel everywhere, what is it? looks amazing
I have always had gravel, but am thinking of putting in some "patches" or corridors of sand before I get khuli loaches for them to burrow in. I know it will probably be hard to stop the gravel mixing with the sand. But I like the idea. What do you guys think?
Use sand. i had gravel and hated it, sure it looked cleaner BUT it LOOKED cleaner, so you leave the poop to fall between the gravel just polluting your water, it sucks.

Dirt you can see, you clean
Dirt you think isnt there, you leave

Which one do you think gives healthier water, and happier fish, ALL ROUND.

Sand beats crap out of gravel, never again will i touch the stuff!
But I use a gravel cleaner which you press into the gravel.
This thread has made me rethink my new tank

The gravel would be nice if it was small.
But I do think sand looks more natural

Surely creating a dead spot would be good because when all the crud goes to the dead spot you can vacuum that spot and not worry abut the rest of the ank as much.

Please correct me if I'm wrong

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