Can I Have Cherry Shrimps?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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would my tank be suitable for young cherry shrimp?

30 gal

Substrate pea and fine black gravel mix.

Decor, Bog and mopani wood, 1 large slate cave and one glass cave with gravel glued to the out side.

Plants Java fern, Java moss, and two other plants I dont know without looking it up again but there common hardy plants.

Stock 6 diamond tetras, 8 Cardinals, 1 Gbr, 1 Marbell hatchet, 1 small joseff plec and 1 apple snail.

ph 7.8, ammonia 0-0.25, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 40ppm temp 27 degrees.
would my tank be suitable for young cherry shrimp?

30 gal

Substrate pea and fine black gravel mix.

Decor, Bog and mopani wood, 1 large slate cave and one glass cave with gravel glued to the out side.

Plants Java fern, Java moss, and two other plants I dont know without looking it up again but there common hardy plants.

Stock 6 diamond tetras, 8 Cardinals, 1 Gbr, 1 Marbell hatchet, 1 small joseff plec and 1 apple snail.

ph 7.8, ammonia 0-0.25, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 40ppm temp 27 degrees.

You shouldn't have any ammonia in that tank, is it cycled? That german blue ram will eat the cherries. And I believe the temperature is too high for the rest of the fish. And hatchet fish need to be in groups of 6+.
someone correct me if im wrong but i think the apple snail will eat them
I posted a thread in discussions about my ammonia couple of days ago and im still unsure as if its down to the kit.

My tank is running well with no signs of ill health in the fish but I am also in the process of setting up a larger tank so Im gonna refine my stocking as soon as thats running.

I want shrimp in one of them so wanted to keep them stocked in my tank until im sorted.

I would consider giving up the ram or even setting up one of my quarintine tanks for the shrimp until they can go in the tank later if so what conditions do the shrimp need?

thanks in advance.
i might be wrong. i though i read that assassins eat other snails and also other invertebrates. might not be right though

iv just read that there have been rear cases of assassins eating shrimp heres a link if you want to read
i might be wrong. i though i read that assassins eat other snails and also other invertebrates. might not be right though

iv just read that there have been rear cases of assassins eating shrimp heres a link if you want to read

The link doesn't work..........I read that they only eat baby shrimp and will only very rarely go after cherries, and only if there is no food available (ie, no snails and no substitution (meaty fish pellets or flakes))
Please rehome the ram, it wont live long. If you want a ram, get a bolivian ram.

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