How Much Salt Per Uk Gallon?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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Can someone plz tell me how much salt i need to use per uk gallon plz I have a GBR in quarintine after it got stressed and started losing its colour whenit was introduced to the tank.

The fish was brought 2 weeks ago and i moved him/her out of the community into a 7 gal 3 days ago and there is some improvment in colour but the pectoral fins look a little worse for wear.
For treating disease salt is generally used at the ratio of 2 teaspoons per gallon. If you buy aquarium salt it will have it's own guidance instructions. :good:
I wouldn't use salt for GBRs. If it's just ragged fins, they'll heal up with nothing more than good water.
Thanks yes I want to treat my blue ram but I want to add some to my community tank aswell as ive been advised a little bit is good for the tank but how much?

There is no instructions with my salt as its from the lfs bulk bag but i didnt want to ask the staff that was working because hes given me some poor advice in the past and Id prefer to seek the advice from people with experience like yourself.


oh ok fluttermoth. not even a little in the community?
No, freshwater fish don't need any salt at all. Rams are very intolerant of it.
ok thanks ill just keep the salt stored for now.

My Blue ram is improving anyway Ive been doing daily water changes and added a little brine shrimp to its diet.

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