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  1. M

    Making A Stand For 55G

    I went to my local Home Depot and found almost all the wood I need in their "Culled" wood. That is wood that is left over when customers have pieces cut. I spent less than $10 on the wood. The only thing I need is the pieces for the shelves. I may even be able to get some boards for that...
  2. M

    Possible Worms In Water

    I have been cleaning the gravel and changing 2 - 4G each day. Now, I rarely see a fiber or worm not sure which. I can't tell if it is really a worm or just a fiber spinning in the water.
  3. M

    Moving Power Filter To New Tank

    My neighbor wants to buy a 15G tank I have. I am running a 20G with a Whisper EX30 and a AquaClear 20. I am changing to a 55G that I bought used. I was thinking if I run the Whisper on my tank until they get the 15G setup I could give them the Whisper. My question is: Would they be able to...
  4. M

    Need Help Treating For White Spot

    I am recently back to having tropical fish. I have a Whisper ex30 with the type of filter you describe. I plan on keeping an old filter pad when I change my filter. There is carbon inside the filter pad. I may cut it open and remove the carbon or since it has been used leave it in there...
  5. M

    Possible Worms In Water

    All Molly's look healthy. Not skinny, sunken belly, or bloated. One female has flicked on the heater but, very rarely. I would say not even every day. One female had some much color I couldn't see the spine. The other has never had that much color and I could always see the spine. Male has...
  6. M

    Possible Worms In Water

    Molly's seem fine, just lost their shiny silver color. Bronze Cory's have excellent color and act fine. I am thinking I will maintain temp 78F and change 2-4 gallons daily on a 20G. Hopefully, good water will bring good health. One female Molly I could see a dark area near the tail end of...
  7. M

    Is It Safe To Put Laminated Background Picture Inside Tank?

    before filling the tank attach the picture to the mirrored back. Have a piece of glass cut to fit inside and cover the whole back of the tanks. Seal it with silicone. That should solve it. You don't need a very thick piece of glass because it is just there to cover the picture.
  8. M

    Possible Worms In Water

    I don't know if that is it. I have been doing water changes every other day so there shouldn't be any left over food. I will feed less and continue water changes. Hopefully, my bronze Cory's will feed on them if it is planaria. My Molly's color is off so maybe this will help.
  9. M

    Possible Worms In Water

    I was getting ready to do a water change when I noticed the possible worms. So I did about a 40% water change. I didn't notice any more possible worms after the water change. I am sure whatever they were some are still there. I hope they are just fibers from the silk plants.
  10. M

    Just Got A Tank With...

    I have heard of Assassins snails but, not fish. Molly's are livebearers. So I think if you have what you think is a black molly and a bunch of babies then you are probably right.
  11. M

    Food Preference For Molly's

    I have 4 silver Molly's. I vary between flake, pellets, and wafers. They don't go after the floating flake food the same as they do the pellets and wafers on the bottom of the tank. For flake I use Tetramin Pro (a multi-colored flake), a spirulina (green), and a flake to enhance color (red)...
  12. M

    Possible Worms In Water

    I shut of my filters to feed my fish. I have 6 bronze cory's and 5 silver molly's in a 20G tank. When I turned the filters back on I noticed some worm-like fibers about about 1/4 to 3/8" (6 - 10mm) long floating in the water. They were too thin to be poo. They seemed to be moving but, it...
  13. M

    Bronze Cory's?

    I have small smooth stones. I keep the depth real shallow, less than an inch. My Cory's all act fine and I think their color is good. My silver Molly's on the other hand have lost their shine and their color has become dull. Since I recently got back into tropical fish after many years I am...
  14. M

    Molly's And Cory's

    The tank is for a hospital/quarantine tank and I just use if for water changes when there are no fish in it.
  15. M

    Just Got A Tank With...

    I can tell you any ammonia reading is too much. I am new getting back into tropical fish after many years. My tank has Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, ph 7.8. I am not sure what water properties your fish want for ph, hardness, and alkalinity. You should not be able to detect any ammonia...
  16. M

    Making A Stand For 55G

    I guess I have to go with the heaviest weight I find.
  17. M

    Making A Stand For 55G

    I went by the calculator here. It said 486 lbs for freshwater for a 48" X 14" x 20" 58G Tank. I rounded some number up so it came out to 58G.
  18. M

    Making A Stand For 55G

    I found plans in the archive for a 55G using 2 X 2's for the frame. It has a center vertical support on the front. Do you think I could use a 2 X 4 for the top front horizontal piece and avoid the vertical support?
  19. M

    Molly's And Cory's

    I have bought some food that is supposed to enhance color. I have been varying food with a general tropical fish flake, spirulina flake, spirulina, krill, silkworm, krill pellets, and algae wafers. I have also checked the lighting. I have had the Mollies for 4 - 6 weeks. The first ones I got...
  20. M

    Making A Stand For 55G

    I want to make a stand for a 55G, 48" X 13" X 20" tank. I want to be able to put a 15G or 20G underneath to hold water for water changes. I would like to use solid 1" pine boards for ends and 1 X 4 or 1 X 6 boards across top and bottom and with vertical supports on each end. I plan on 2 X 2's...
  21. M

    I Bought A Used Aquarium

    I recently got back into tropical fish. From what I see of filters I still like the AquaClear. I had one before. Now they have added the BioMax material for the bacteria. I have a 20G now with a Whisper EX35 and an AquaClear 50. A LFS was closing and I bought a freshwater and a saltwater...
  22. M

    I Bought A Used Aquarium

    Thanks for the replies.
  23. M

    Molly's And Cory's

    I have Silver Molly's and Bronze Cory's in a 20G tank. My Cory's look fine. My Molly's have lost some color since I bought them. I don't see any other sign of a problem with them. I have turned the heater up to 85F and I am doing 10 - 20% water changes daily. I think I see some color coming...
  24. M

    I Bought A Used Aquarium

    I bought a used aquarium and stand with some accessories. The tank was set up as a salt water tank. I came with a protein skimmer. It hasn't been set up for 4 - 6 months. Can I use this for a freshwater tank? I have the power filter and heater that will work for it.
  25. M

    Bronze Cory's?

    I live in the USA. I have some marine sand. I am using a Tetra Whisper EX30 and a AquaClear 50 power filter that hang on the back of the 20G tank. Will the sand affect the filters? I have read that sand is not good for the pump mechanisms in these filters. I may change soon to a 29G or a...
  26. M

    Bronze Cory's?

    Is this a Bronze Cory or is the rust color a sign of sickness? It is hard to see in the picture but, on the head and down the back of the fish the color is like a redish brown color, like rust or bronze. I am not sure if this is normal or a sign of sickness. All the pictures I have seen they...
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  28. M

    Parasite With Molly, Red Poo

    I live near Syracuse, New York, USA. I have some meds that I bought at auction at a pet store that closed. If you could tell me the active ingredients. Also, I have read some messages that recommend feeding peas. What type of peas? Are these obtained from a LFS or are they the same as I...
  29. M

    Parasite With Molly, Red Poo

    Here is the male and latest female. The female has never had the color of the other Mollies. You can't see the stripes on the male in this picture. They are just behind the gill to mid dorsal fin, they are vertical, and thin (maybe 1 or 2 scales wide).
  30. IMG_1424.JPG


  31. M

    Parasite With Molly, Red Poo

    Here is a Cory. The color on the Cory is close to that of the stones.
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  33. M

    Parasite With Molly, Red Poo

    I vary the food, using a different food for each feeding. I have Tetramin Pro Tropical Fish flakes (multi-colored flakes), spirulina flakes (green flakes), shrimp pellets, and sinking wafers (spirulina, silkworm, and krill). There has been white or almost no color poo. Female Mollies...
  34. M

    Parasite With Molly, Red Poo

    2 of my Molly's have red poo. The scales are not as shiny as they were but the fish act normal. The male had a very small bump on it's side, it looked like it was under just one scale. The male also has 3 small like strips on it's side where the scales are not shiny like those around the area...
  35. M

    Preparing Water To Change

    No. I was thinking the charcoal in the filter and the flow from the power filter would take care of the chlorine over the week of the water being in the tank before it is used. If I had to use the water before it had run a day or two I would add a dechlorinator. I have a filter for drinking...
  36. M

    Getting Back To Keeping Fish After Many Years

    I recently got back into tropical fish after many years. As I remember my LFS used to quarantine new fish arrivals before putting them out for sale. Now I have asked a few stores and they tell me they put the fish right out for sale. Then if they notice anything wrong they would treat it. Is...
  37. M

    Preparing Water To Change

    I am wondering if I need to do anything else to prepare the water I use when I change water in my tank. I have a 20G (75L) tank set up with 4 molly's and 3 cory's setup for about a month with the fish. I will add some cory's after the tank has been set up longer. I change 5G (19L) each week...