Molly's And Cory's


New Member
Sep 9, 2010
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I have Silver Molly's and Bronze Cory's in a 20G tank. My Cory's look fine. My Molly's have lost some color since I bought them. I don't see any other sign of a problem with them. I have turned the heater up to 85F and I am doing 10 - 20% water changes daily. I think I see some color coming back. Has anyone tried this?

I have been reading and some of what I have read has just said to change water daily when fish show any problems. I raised the temperature because I think there may be parasites. I have read turning up the temp to 85 to 88F will take care of parasites along with daily 10% water changes. I get my water from the tap. I put it in a 10G tank with a power filter and treat it for chlorine. I change 2 to 5G a day. My water tests a 7.8PH, moderate alkalinity and hardness. My fish tank test to 0 ppm ammonia and nitrites and 10 ppm nitrates.

I think some color is coming back to 2 of my female Molly's.
The cories will not do well in any water that hot and the mollies are also better off in the mid 70s, not in the 80s. I don't see any indication of why you suspect parasites so cannot comment on that aspect. Frequent water changes are always a good idea if you suspect anything wrong with a tank so that may be helping the fish do better.
I agree with oldman,the cories will not fair well in temperatures in the eighties...

Normally upping the temperature is used if the fish have ich etc...but has yours aren't showing the ich problem then i would lower it to mid 70's gradually.

How long have you had the mollies? diet can play a part in the colouring i've read...

Why do you put your water in a 10gal tank then change it? is the readings you gave from the 10 gal tank or the 20 gal tank?
I have bought some food that is supposed to enhance color. I have been varying food with a general tropical fish flake, spirulina flake, spirulina, krill, silkworm, krill pellets, and algae wafers. I have also checked the lighting. I have had the Mollies for 4 - 6 weeks. The first ones I got have lost most of their brightness. The last one was always not as bright. I think the last one has actually gotten brighter. I will only have the temperature raised for a few days. My LFS water temperature is 80F. Should I set the temp to 76F or 80F?

I use the 10G to put tap water in. I use a conditioner and run a small power filter on it. I have added a heater so that the temperature difference is smaller. Then I use the water for water changes.

The ph, alkalinity, and hardness reading are for both tanks. I don't use anything to change these levels. The ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are for the fish tank.
There is no need for that extra tank simply for water changes. If you temperature match tap water close enough that it feels the same temperature and use a water treatment, the fish will be fine with it. Do not stop at 80F, that is still quite warm for mollies or most cories. Both would do better at around 76F. I keep several cories in my goodeid tanks that have no heater. They thrive at room temperature as long as I don't put them with a fish that will pick at them. Some species of goodeids are not very nice tank mates. Some of those tanks get down to around 68F in the winter in my home.
The tank is for a hospital/quarantine tank and I just use if for water changes when there are no fish in it.

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