I shut of my filters to feed my fish. I have 6 bronze cory's and 5 silver molly's in a 20G tank. When I turned the filters back on I noticed some worm-like fibers about about 1/4 to 3/8" (6 - 10mm) long floating in the water. They were too thin to be poo. They seemed to be moving but, it could have been the turbulence from the filters. I don't know if they were worms or fibers from my fake plants. The plants a silk style fake plants and I have noticed some fibers at the edges of some of the leaves. My Cory's seem fine but, the Molly's color has lost some of their shiny coloring.
Could this be some type of parasite? If so, how do I treat it?
Could this be some type of parasite? If so, how do I treat it?