Possible Worms In Water


New Member
Sep 9, 2010
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I shut of my filters to feed my fish. I have 6 bronze cory's and 5 silver molly's in a 20G tank. When I turned the filters back on I noticed some worm-like fibers about about 1/4 to 3/8" (6 - 10mm) long floating in the water. They were too thin to be poo. They seemed to be moving but, it could have been the turbulence from the filters. I don't know if they were worms or fibers from my fake plants. The plants a silk style fake plants and I have noticed some fibers at the edges of some of the leaves. My Cory's seem fine but, the Molly's color has lost some of their shiny coloring.

Could this be some type of parasite? If so, how do I treat it?
Observe your tank further, you should never treat your tank with any medication other than a fresh water change unless you are sure of the bacteria or fungus infecting your tank or fish. Keep us updated on what you find.
I was getting ready to do a water change when I noticed the possible worms. So I did about a 40% water change. I didn't notice any more possible worms after the water change. I am sure whatever they were some are still there. I hope they are just fibers from the silk plants.
Sounds to me like some form of planaria, a non parasitic flat worm.
They pose no harm to the fish and are essentially fish food. :hyper: In other news however they do gennerally mean a sign of over feeding or to much detritus building up in the tank, (but not always)

hope this helpes.
I don't know if that is it. I have been doing water changes every other day so there shouldn't be any left over food. I will feed less and continue water changes. Hopefully, my bronze Cory's will feed on them if it is planaria. My Molly's color is off so maybe this will help.
Check your fish for these signs.

Long stringy white waste, clear mucas waste, red waste.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Enlarged anus.
Red inflamed anus.
Fish swimming on there sides.
Sunken in belly.
Bent spine.
Flicking and rubbing.
Spitting food out and not eating.
Excess mucas.
Laboured breathing.
Red sores or red pin prick marks on the fish body gills.
Do the worms have a y shaped tail.
Molly's seem fine, just lost their shiny silver color. Bronze Cory's have excellent color and act fine. I am thinking I will maintain temp 78F and change 2-4 gallons daily on a 20G. Hopefully, good water will bring good health. One female Molly I could see a dark area near the tail end of her abdomen in front of her anal fin. The dark area is slowly becoming smaller as the shiny color is coming back to her sides.
All Molly's look healthy. Not skinny, sunken belly, or bloated. One female has flicked on the heater but, very rarely. I would say not even every day. One female had some much color I couldn't see the spine. The other has never had that much color and I could always see the spine. Male has 3 dull patches on both sides. The balloon Molly is the only one that doesn't seem to have lost it's color. I am wondering if maybe the 1 male is stressing the 2 females with all the mating attempts. When I increase my tank size, in the near future, I will get one or two more females to up the ratio.
I would give the substrate a good hoover.

If you see any more worms get back to the board.
Long thin hair like white worms can also be camallanous worms.
They can be hair like and white when they haven't been feeding on a host.
I have been cleaning the gravel and changing 2 - 4G each day. Now, I rarely see a fiber or worm not sure which. I can't tell if it is really a worm or just a fiber spinning in the water.
If you see anymore hair like strands scoop it up with an net and add it to a jug of tank water. Take a closer look with a magifying glass.

Hair like worms can be anchor worm, camallanous worms.

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