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  1. Destination Doha

    White Spot

    hi luke i had this same problem about a month ago in a big tank i uped the temp to 28 over 3 days .dont know if this was the best temp but it worked for me good luck whith the white spot fella :good:
  2. Destination Doha

    Custom Size Tanks (Uk Only)

    well size is up to mate but if you keep it 2.5ft deep it will be a lot cheeper to buy as the glass wont have to be as thick as it whould for a deeper tank .as for what to keep in it . well if its going to be about 8x2x2 or bigger you could have a stuning malawi set up /or hundreds of small fish...
  3. Destination Doha

    Diy Rockscapes?

    good stuff .youl have to let us see the results when you got it all done buddy :good:
  4. Destination Doha

    Diy Rockscapes?

    i dont think you need to do that fella as long as it has had no chems near or on it (being in the garden and all)just a good scrub under water then give it a good rinse off should be ok .BUT if you think it may have come into contact whith any garden chemicals then i whould leav well alone and...
  5. Destination Doha

    Diy Rockscapes?

    hi Sweeden i havent used york stone in any of my setups but like all the rock/slate i do use i whould just give it a good scrub under a running hose and use aquarium sealent to stick it together :good:
  6. Destination Doha

    Custom Size Tanks (Uk Only)

    very good point Davo :good: if you are going for a deep tank then you want to go wide to .as for empty gaps in level where fish don't use my fish use all the tank but i guess its down to what fish you keep.
  7. Destination Doha

    Custom Size Tanks (Uk Only)

    the tank is in the livingroom fella and bricks whould be good i had a 7x2x2.5 on bricks a while back :good:
  8. Destination Doha

    Custom Size Tanks (Uk Only)

    hi Geordie try looking for aquariums ltd i got a 84x39x36 made by them its 18mm glass i run it on 2fx5 and 2x 1000ltr power heads and 2x 300 watt heaters and soon a big sump when i finaly get round to it :good:
  9. Destination Doha

    Glass Vs Plastic?

    hi miles i had a tank made by aquariums ltd it is a 7x3x3 iv had it for about 6-7 yrs now and not one problem very happy with it thay built it on site the guys wer great tho the house did stink for a few days after lol. just one point if you do scach glass its not going to be easy to remove it...
  10. Destination Doha

    Help Needed For Giant Guarami

    i cant realy add to this as simonas is on the ball.and i have found this guy to be good in what the advice he posts. but as said steee you will need a bigger tank very soon if not now. mate i have only had my gg for a short while but speking to some other keepers when i was doing research b4 i...
  11. Destination Doha

    So What To Do Next?

    some good point oldman :good: i do have patio doors that will lift out so geting anything in is not a problem :)
  12. Destination Doha

    So What To Do Next?

    hi mark .acrylic whould be good but this whould be the first time i have not had glass. the nexst tank is a upgrade on the 7x3x3 i keep now. the problem i have is lenth 7ft being the max space but i can go wider and deeper im just looking to get the best for my cash but still not have to worrie...
  13. Destination Doha

    So What To Do Next?

    well the tank i have at the moment has a life span of about 12 years it is about 6-7 years old now and rather than get it re seald i whould rather sell it on before it got to old now my diy skills aare a bit crap at the best so on a buget of 2k for just the tank what is the best way to go bonded...
  14. Destination Doha

    Is Superglue Tank Safe ?

    your a star ianho :good: thanks for the rapid reply fella B-)
  15. Destination Doha

    A Splash Of Colour

    lovely mate .cracking scaping :good: bet them rocks way a bit tho eh!
  16. Destination Doha

    Is Superglue Tank Safe ?

    hi all i have made a d.i.y aerator to go on a power head the 2 tubes are cut and the breather pipe is drawing air in nicely but it all needs to be glued up. can i glue it all with superglue then once it has all cured give it a wash then use it in the tank? this is just a test if it all works out...
  17. Destination Doha

    Diy Rock Retaining Wall

    great idear Alasse well executed it looks great i love the clean crisp forground :good: just out of intrest do the fish tend to stay in the back ground where all the plants and cover is or do thay also use the front of the tank just as much (over the sand) ? either way smashing setup fella
  18. Destination Doha

    A Splash Of Colour

    hi mark some stuning fish you got fella whith some killer coulors to
  19. Destination Doha

    Giant Gourami

    hi simonas hope all is well mate ? and as for up dates go i will do . glad you like the lil ladi she is a proper charecter and seems to like faye our eldest girl (8yrs old) with the bulk of the gg i uped the water changes to 220 ltrs a week and things are going well . after such a dark few...
  20. Destination Doha

    Giant Gourami

    well hi simonas and flag. its been a while but thanks to your input and my waiting around for the right time i finaly found a female gg she is about 16-17 inches long and the kids have called her bananas . as for the advice given to me in this thread ...thanks guys as far as things have gone...
  21. Destination Doha

    Pics Of My Leds

    that blue is stunning much beter than tubes :good:
  22. Destination Doha

    Is This A Aluminium Catfish

    hi all i think i have had this cat id as a aluminium catfish (Chrysichthys furcatus)do you guys and girls agree thanks doha :good:
  23. Destination Doha

    Glass Bow

    cheers for that all :good:
  24. Destination Doha

    Glass Bow

    hi all after geting a long spirit level from b&g for a new shead base . like the kid i am went round the house seing what was level and what wasnt . and while mucking about put the level up against the front glass of my 3ft tank and to my horror it had a bow in the middle of it !! Shocked i...
  25. Destination Doha

    What A Difference 4 Months Makes!

    holly cow them plant are doing grate nice setup BackToTheFishes :good:
  26. Destination Doha

    Gravel To Sand

    this is argos sand in my tank Westwood hope this helps :good:
  27. Destination Doha

    1000 Us Gal Project

    this is just fantastic T1KARMANN i realy love the balls you had to do this stuning setup well done mate. :good: just out of intreast what did you pay for just the tank if its not to cheeky to ask ? for future plans :) allso was the glass 19mm becuse of the depth rather than lenth and width...
  28. Destination Doha

    Aquarium Backings

    well i had it set up for about 2 years whith no problems so i cant say it whouldnt over a longer time span but its good point Seffie :good:
  29. Destination Doha

    Aquarium Backings

    as Jamepsss said {I've heard Olive oil works the same way but never tried that one!}i have used it in the past get sum cloth dip it in the oil and run it over the hole background then apply it to the tank like you whould wallpaper smothing out the bubbles to the edges then just tape the very...
  30. Destination Doha

    How Many Watts Of Heat For A 150G?

    B&Q Radiator Reflective Foil - 500mm x 5m 9.98 :good:
  31. Destination Doha

    How Many Watts Of Heat For A 150G?

    hi mattlee just a thort. i used the stuff you tuck behind radiators to insulate our tank along the back and one end it letts me run 2x300watts on a 380 gall tank and only cost 12 pound for 2 rolls from b&q :)
  32. Destination Doha

    5Ft Cichlid

    love this tank Alasse :good: great scaping :)
  33. Destination Doha

    My Old Tank And The New Tank I

    cheers mark .scaping wasnt to bad i just got in and a mate of mine stood on a stepladder and past the sand rocks and all over to me. biggest pain was washing 100kg of time is not to bad i got a clear 3ft 12mm tube to vac over the sand when waterchangin (60-100gals every 3-4...
  34. Destination Doha

    Piston Typ Air Pumps

    thank ladds :good:
  35. Destination Doha

    Piston Typ Air Pumps

    hi all can anyone tell me if a piston typ air pump is better than the standard air pumps? has anyone got one and how do you rate it cheers Doha :)
  36. Destination Doha

    External Filtration For A 540L (120 Uk Gallons)

    all i can do is tell you what i run N0body Of The Goat i run 2 x fx5 on a 400gal tank and have found them to be brilliant that said i am going over to a big sump tank in the nexst few months as i think this will be better for the setup that i have ;)
  37. Destination Doha

    Giant Gourami

    umm !! think its a case of waiting for the right fish at the right place simonas :rolleyes:
  38. Destination Doha

    Giant Gourami

    hi Carlovel1 i have seen a couple for sale 1 at 10 inch for 30 pounds and a 16inch fish at 45 pounds but thay wer to far away from me .over 150 miles away :rolleyes:
  39. Destination Doha

    My Floval 125 Nearly All Done.

    good on ya alex well taken and dont let the lfs sell ya a load of gear you dont need. :good: