Search results

  1. jameshunter63

    Looking For Some Assassin Snails

    Wanted: Item Wanted: around 5 assassin snails Condition required: Excellent Price limit: not sure Location: Somerset, near weston super mare. Would like to receive via post if the travel distance is too far.   I dont mind paying a little extra for the postage of these guys, as long as they are...
  2. jameshunter63

    Tank Mates

    I cant see why not. I used to have a few timid females with other fish. james
  3. jameshunter63

    I Feel Sick....

    hahaha, brilliant. Just gave me a little chuckle :fun:
  4. jameshunter63

    Panda Fry Log

    Aw wow! they are amazing! your tanks make me so jealous! i so want to have pandas. Your doing an amazing job, and im loving reading your logs.
  5. jameshunter63

    Is It True...cories

    my trivi corys are at around 7.8 in one tank and iv got sterbai at 8.2 in the other. Shouldnt be a problem as long as you introduce them well. some species may require a low pH but with most it shouldnt be a problem
  6. jameshunter63

    Wrong Advice From Fish Store! Help!

    you want ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates around 25. So it sounds better but still you may want to do more waterchanges to manage any ammonia spikes that may appear. Also constant testing!! james
  7. jameshunter63

    Wrong Advice From Fish Store! Help!

    I dont understand how the reading can possibly be this big? 100ppm is way too high. Can you please check your strips and make sure that their reading in mg/l and please rinse the tubes and repeat a second and even third time. You really need to check the details. james
  8. jameshunter63

    External Filter

    You really cannot go wrong with the fluval 05 series. They are great, easy to set up, easy to prime, not much need for cleaning out compared to the internals, pretty much silent. The only 1 problem is the rim drying up and making it leak from the top. This is easily verifyed by just smearing a...
  9. jameshunter63

    Can Plecs Get "worms"?

    haha, he sounds a fab little fish!! mines scared of me, i think due to me changing him around tanks quite a bit and not doing the feeding. o well! A pic would be fab of possible, because if he is ill the medicine guru's on here would be able to tell straight away!! :D hope he is ok as he...
  10. jameshunter63

    Can Plecs Get "worms"?

    if fish worms are anything like humans worms, which i expect they are, they dont actually eat alot of the food the person/fish eats, therefore meaning that they shouldnt really get skinny due to the worm. I dont know though 100%, but thats my educated guess. Id say hes either fine if he's eating...
  11. jameshunter63

    How Do You Stop Dead Spots In Tank Filteration?

    come to think of it the sand is pretty clean except that one patch. just annoying cus it always catches my eye cus i know its there!! ARGH OCD :P
  12. jameshunter63

    How Do You Stop Dead Spots In Tank Filteration?

    I was considering getting a small air stone in the area that the muck builds up to help improve ciculation. would this work? I dont really want a powerhead because the circulation around the tank is already quite high, its just a sheltered spot behind some bog wood thats getting effected. the...
  13. jameshunter63

    How Do You Stop Dead Spots In Tank Filteration?

    I was wondering how people stop dead points occuring when they filter their tanks? i usually end up having a couple of dead spots around the tank thatevery couple of days need swishing into the filter input. Does this happen for everyone or is it just my bad. and if it doesnt how do people get...
  14. jameshunter63

    Chemistry Help

    I stand corrected!! :P
  15. jameshunter63

    Chemistry Help

    Yep, a finished cycle is when the ammonia you add will be broken down into nitrite and then finally natrate all within a 12 hour period. As long as you keep adding the correct amount of ammonia every 12 hours you wont have a problem. :) james
  16. jameshunter63

    Rescued Gourami From Work- Update!

    I think tbh as he has been so used to the bad condition he is pretty much a very hardy fish already. A few questions about the old set up. Does it have gravel? did it have a filter? If it had gravel then there should be quite alot of the benificial bacteria in there, i would try to use this...
  17. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    I thought as the nitrogen cycle happened the end product nitrate would raise as the other two are converted into it. I know plants use some up but not sure how much which would bring the concentration down but surely you would expect a higher concentration of nitrate in the tank than tap water...
  18. jameshunter63

    Peppered Corys

    You have just the two? im no expert on breeding but have read up and tried to condition my sterbai before with no effect. Just waiting for them to mature i think. sorry wandered off topic, but i was saying thats rare to have just the two in a group to breed as usually they are happy in groups...
  19. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    so i should say remove 30% and just med that 30% again. Ill shall get on that tonight once iv finished doing my work. Tap waters reading at around 20. Not sure if this is high though for tap water. Im gunu get them to start doing a smaller water change mid week to hopefully get the nitrate...
  20. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    Bought the liquid test kit from a LFS and the results are similar ammonia 0.1 , nitrite 0 , but nitrates are rather high at 45. After adding the medication yesterday my tank has turned a nice bright green colour. Quite strange but hey. Also the sick cory seemed to eat when fed this morning. He...
  21. jameshunter63

    Peppered Corys

    yes, move into a container and make sure there is a decent water current over them to stop them growing fungus. It would be best to put them into a seperate tank with a small air powered filter if you have one. There's no real way to tell as this is your first time taht they will hatch, and...
  22. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    ok, thank you so much. just hope with some tlc they will all be ok. I will hopefully post back in the next few days but only home till tuesday then back to uni. writing a list for the brother to look after them properly and making them a varied diet but we shall see. Hope he does it properly. I...
  23. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    yea i thought the test kit may be. umm, im in the south west near bristol. Will get to the LFS first thing tomorrow morning to get a kit. liquid sounds good if i can, if not ill buy some refills and get a liquid kit online. The food has already gone in, 1 and a half cubes of blood worm in...
  24. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    I think 190l is 44 uk gallons? not 100% sure though. Umm, the kit is a "interpet easy test kit". Bought when i first got into fish keeping, about 10 years ago so not sure if its 100% reliable now. iv looked up fluke, it doesnt look like this. More looks like a slight blood shot type thing...
  25. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    190l, water stats, ammonia, 0 nitraite, 0 and nitrate, 25ish and Ph 7.8 fish:- 12 harlequins (large ones so not small enough for angles to have a snack on) 1 large angle (Top fin to bottom fin about 4.5 inch) 4 smaller angles (" 2 inch) 1 BN pleco 8 trili corys (1 ill) all poo is fine...
  26. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    can no one help? im really worried if its contajeous and so dont want the whole tank to die out. james
  27. jameshunter63

    Corydoras Indented Tummy

    My stupid brother thought it would be a good idea to buy 8 new cory trili's from a tank with a dying betta. Iv been at uni and they sent pics and all corys looked healthy. Iv come home yesterday night and today noticed one of them on his side by the filter. He looked ill but then decided to try...
  28. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    they really do have one of the best varities of the little blighters around!! just wish they were a bit cheaper. :S gold lasers in there look gorgeous!! wish i could have some to give my bottom tank some amazing colour as well as the great character!! james
  29. jameshunter63

    Tank Disaster

    haha!! dont underestimate the weight of a tank full of water!! especially when its more than 1 tank!!
  30. jameshunter63

    Bristlenoses - Best Algae Cleaners Ever.

    true red BN's are gorgeous!! seen at 9 quid at a lfs, definatley getting one
  31. jameshunter63

    Id Required

    i dont know, agassizi have a couple of black stripes around their head, quite faint but noticable. id say these were corydoras leopardus in my opinion. james actually after looking again i think i agree with you!!! hahaha. :P
  32. jameshunter63

    New Fish For Me

    aw absolutely gorgeous!! i love them. trying to find some near me to get that are true trili's james
  33. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    are they aldino's of the aneus family? is there such things as albino tri's or sterbai, cus i only ever seem to see aneus albino. haha, blagdon give you a good price then!! interesting if my sterbai decide to try and spawn again, try and keep them alive this time, last time i didnt set up the...
  34. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    o cool!! i think i must have seen them in one of their tanks, theyve got a few but not for sell annoyingly. wanted to buy them. :( live about 10 mins away from blagdon, not too bad and relatively cheap compared to some others. i always find cadbury garden center a bit diseased and mislabled...
  35. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    oo exciting!! will definatly be watching your posts like a hawk!! :P i used to live in keynsham till i moved out near weston super mare. what LFS you use? the maidenhead out by the park and ride in brislington? im still trying to find the best in my area, theres a maidenhead and blagdon water...
  36. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    where abouts in bristol are you?? id be very very interested in a group once/if you breed them if you are selling them to public. and now why would you quit the golds for albinos!!!!! golds are so much nicer!! :P do you breed them in the main tank or do you move the plump female and a few...
  37. jameshunter63

    Lets Help Newcomers!

    why i always do this?? - dont catch skitish fish with small nets or they end up jumping out the tank onto the floor - take lfs advice with a pinch of salt - always overfilter - bacteria is 99.9% in the filter media so do not worry about huge water changes - keep a fish bag just in case - always...
  38. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    hate you!!!! :P haha
  39. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    matts just a pro at breeding!! sets up the candles and serves them a 3 course meal of daphnia followed by bloodworms and then finally some brine shrimps!! :P im interested as well from someone who has actually been very succesful at breeding them how to do this. mine spawned once when i had...
  40. jameshunter63

    Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!

    you breeding yours matt?? im really thinking of trying to grab a few and seeing if i can breed them. their colour is just gorgeous! That sweet knowle seem to have very cheap panda's, may consider buying some. all pandas iv seen are well expensive. james