Most Expensive Cory's Iv Seen!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2010
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went to the lfs today to pick up some leopard corys, and there in the tank next to them was bright gold cory's!!! They'd just recieved them in and were called Corydoras aeneus green stripe from venezuala, £36 each!!!
anyone else seen these? id love some at a lower price or the gold stripe version if anyone knows of any stores around somerset or sites!!

thats over the top they are expensive but thats just stupid
try to find a local breeder these fish can be bought for about £7 each privately. i use to breed both the green and gold and still have a small group of golds in a tank. great fish but thats far too expensive.... sweet knowle aquatics normally have the greens in at about £17 each and they post. also i know rare aquatics have lots of greens and golds in at the minute and also post :good:
you breeding yours matt?? im really thinking of trying to grab a few and seeing if i can breed them. their colour is just gorgeous! That sweet knowle seem to have very cheap panda's, may consider buying some. all pandas iv seen are well expensive.
you breeding yours matt?? im really thinking of trying to grab a few and seeing if i can breed them. their colour is just gorgeous! That sweet knowle seem to have very cheap panda's, may consider buying some. all pandas iv seen are well expensive.
i was breeding them and had many successfull batches raised but didnt have the time to carry it on so i stopped the breeding and sold all the corys except a group of 7 gold stripes. sweet knowle are a very good shop and have excellent fish in :good:
ok matt so what is the secret to breeding cories? I have had a group of them together now for about 6 months and nothing. What am I doing wrong? Params are good and I know there are M & F. I keep the water nice and clean. HELP! LOL
ok matt so what is the secret to breeding cories? I have had a group of them together now for about 6 months and nothing. What am I doing wrong? Params are good and I know there are M & F. I keep the water nice and clean. HELP! LOL
corys prefer cooler temps than some fish mine were breeding at about 24 degrees C. they need to be mature adult fish with a good mix of both sex. the females will need feeding up with plenty of bloodworms or similar high protein foods before attempting to breed them. sometimes a cool water change can kick start them into breeding but this didnt really have any effect with me. also excellent water quality and very clean substrate is needed. some species of corys have yet to be bred and some will breed constantly, if the fish you have want to breed then they will if they dont then they wont it can be as simple as that really. the fish need to feel safe and be happy in their tank and its also best to use tanks just for the corys as other fish will eat the eggs before you even see them.
once they have laid eggs the hard work begins............

there is no secret really its just down to good healthy mixed sex fish in a tank of their own with very good quality water and a very clean tank. like i said if they want to breed then they will.
matts just a pro at breeding!! sets up the candles and serves them a 3 course meal of daphnia followed by bloodworms and then finally some brine shrimps!! :p
im interested as well from someone who has actually been very succesful at breeding them how to do this. mine spawned once when i had the boiler off so added cold water but the eggs got eaten, tried after by conditioning and then adding cold water but nothing! :(

Hi My peppered corys laid eggs every week, but they will eat the eggs, they need to be moved to a net to hatch, an extremely fine net too as they really are tiny. I lost my first batch as the net holes were too big.
as for getting them to breed, spoill them with frozen food every other day. bloodworms, daphnia, whiteworms, mosquito larvae, pets at home sell a blister pack with 4 /5 varieties all in the same pack. females are rounder bodied, fuller looking. we used to call ours big momma! she was almost twice the size of my males. I never managed to raise them very far, i I was a novice, but if i try again i shall try my best.
Mine are in a tank all by themselves but I think I may have to shut the heater off.Also they get a wide variety of foods.
Wow! So expensive. I had never seen them at any LFS' until a month ago. The store had them for $6.95 each. I was close to broke but new it was worth it. Havent seen them since then! I do tend to impulse buy but I know when I see a deal!
Golds are awesome colour,i have 6 :p ,i did get 2 spawns from them last month,but due to my growing abundance of albino fry i had to move the golds back to the main tank.sadly the few fry i did get from them didn't make it :sad:

I do intend on breeding them again once the 2 fry tanks are empty :)

I haven't seen them locally here,only blacks and they were £17 each :crazy:

I found success by separating them within 24 hours they spawned,temp 22.5,ph 8, and usual zero stats,nitrate 10. Feeding them bloodworm and doing 10% cold water changes.
Golds are awesome colour,i have 6 :p ,i did get 2 spawns from them last month,but due to my growing abundance of albino fry i had to move the golds back to the main tank.sadly the few fry i did get from them didn't make it :sad:

I do intend on breeding them again once the 2 fry tanks are empty :)

I haven't seen them locally here,only blacks and they were £17 each :crazy:

I found success by separating them within 24 hours they spawned,temp 22.5,ph 8, and usual zero stats,nitrate 10. Feeding them bloodworm and doing 10% cold water changes.

where abouts in bristol are you?? id be very very interested in a group once/if you breed them if you are selling them to public.
and now why would you quit the golds for albinos!!!!! golds are so much nicer!! :p
do you breed them in the main tank or do you move the plump female and a few males to a breeding tank?

very interesting read this has become

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