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    CoNvIcT DiThErS

    whats a good type of cheap but nice looking dithewr for breeding convicts??
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    yay or nay

    hi :) it depends relly because whatever inchrowm says is true but my lfs gets in these relly small angel fish called blushing koi angel fish which are really nice, or sometimes they get in relly relly small normal angel fish, i rekon you could have those for about 3 months
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    Keyhole Cichlids

    :hyper: :hyper: WOW! I love that one with the very intense markings. Do keyholes live well with small cichlids?
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    my blue ram

    hey thanx all :D I thought she was a singaporian ram but recently found out she was a german blue. thanx for the noms! ;)
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    my blue ram

    this is my female blue ram. The one day it just got SOO coulourful i had to take a pic. Hasnt been this pretty since. :P :wub:
  6. myram.jpg


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    unoffical DOTM!

    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :thumbs:
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    Weird weird fish

    i've just come back from holiday and fed my fish(yes, they were fed while i was gone), and my flying fox came out and is albino! He has no line across him anymore and is albino. Is there a reason for this? Maybe it is something to do with lighting? -_- :huh: :/
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    the fish in my sig

    its such an old fish, like 15 years. He got the pic on google :P
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    the fish in my sig

    OK.. A lot of ppl asked me about the plec in my sig so im gonna say it now so i can get rid of all these pm's. It is a long-finned bristlenose, my uncles. it's a really rare plec i think and i've never tracked one down. its awsome :wub:
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    This is Jif. I got him (her?) today.

    :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: how much was that beauty?
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    My Perfecto 75

    WOW :hyper: I've never liked the kinda arteficial look with a background and fake plants be4 but woweeeeeeee!! Your cats are cool too! :P
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    why did my gold ram die?

    thanx you guys. I got a tester kit and my sev's gone back for another gold ram. He's happier as are all my otrher fish :rolleyes:
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    Shy Rams

    ok..................... :/
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    why did my gold ram die?

    i have , well had, 2 gold rams and 2 blue rams with my fish. My one gold ram has dissapeared. Why did he die? I checked my water and it's fine. :unsure:
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    Butterfly Cichlid

    mine seems happy :P
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    Flying Fox

    no my question is why is he hiding? :dunno:
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    Sucking Loach?

    they take agggggggggggges to grow. :thumbs:
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    Butterfly Cichlid

    i never new butterflys were african :blink:
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    Butterfly Cichlid

    i just wanted to say to everyone i just got a butterfly cichlid. They are really nice fish and if anyone is looking for a friend for rams these guys are a great candidate. They get those little blue and green spots on them like rams do and are very active. I really recomend this fish :nod:
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    blackened ram....

    that makes sense, my firemouths were spawining at the time :) :nod:
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    blackened ram....

    same thing happened with my firemouths a while ago..... i think it happens if u leev the light off :unsure: :dunno:
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    Flying Fox

    I got a flying fox to help me with my hair algea. He was doing a great job cleaning everything well but then he found the cave in my rock and never comes out anymore. What is the cause?
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    Spare tank.. What should go in it?

    Butterfly cichlids are really nice. Rams too. And for your algea eater question SAEs or SFlyingFoxes are awsome. :)
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    Little Gold Ram

    yeh i guess selling my sev is the best idea then, soon as possible
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    Little Gold Ram

    look at my sig doggy! I sold them, :P
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    Little Gold Ram

    I just brought home 2 gold rams and 2 blue rams(see signiture)........ My 1 gold ram witch was from a different shop to the other is always alone behind my bubble stone and not swimming round even to eat. Why? It was alone in it's tank when i bought it and only like a few mm smaller than the...
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    What else should i add?

    yeh i agree with doggfather, plecs and tetras like sepreas or bleeding hearts
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    what are those trutles called?
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    Adding a few fish

    ok. I'm selling the firemouths so i dont risk unatha "little oscar problemo" but am keeping the baby GS. I will move him but he is so small(3/4 of an inch) so i think he can stay for a while. I now am going to have a kinda empty tank so i really want a few suggestions? On sunday im going to...
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    my new black arrowana pics

    has anyone seen that little arowna for sale on aquabid?
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    my angel

    i love the orange on it's head :thumbs: Great fish!
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    My BNose

    well yeh but isnt it the longer you have them the less they hide? :dunno:
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    Adding a few fish

    I've only got 8 inches of fish in my 20 gal tank and on sunday im getting some SAE to eat my hair algea. What would be a cool, non-expensive fish to add aswell? :dunno:
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    SICK WICKED!!!! :D :D :D I want one but i'll need such a big tank and wallet. The turtle is so awsoem and i think there is a archerfish behind the filter :D
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    ancistrus claro LDA08 care
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    upside down pleco

    im just gonna say that you should add some nice teras to your tank. Like seprae or bleeding hearts.
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    My bristlenose catfish

    dont the males have the spikes?