Jardini's are lovley fish but are extremly aggresive and can only survive with very hardy and large tankmates in a very large tank

CFC has one i beleive
:lol: Ofcourse CFC has one and loves it to bits, except when it decides to beat another fish to death or close to it. Very nice fish.
I'd like to get one too, but the $400 price tag and me don't quite mx :p

Also, i'm not sure if the Discus will appriciate it's company ;)
My jardini is getting on for around 15 inches and still growing fast, so far i have had to remove 4 bala sharks, 2 geophagus jurapari and a tiger dat from the tank because it wouldnt share a tank with them and was trying to kill them, and i expect more will go as the fish and its aggression grows.
Doggfather said:
I'd like to get one too, but the $400 price tag and me don't quite mx :p

Also, i'm not sure if the Discus will appriciate it's company ;)
Why dont you get one for the empty 1.5 gallon :p


ps: this is just a joke, please do not misunderstand
Aw, bless - the turtle is the same species I have. I just love him/her, such a cool character :wub:

On the other hand, that fish is well scary looking!

Here's a couple of pics of my turtle...


Nice turtle pictures :thumbs:

I wonder if my discus would like a turtle as a room mate :lol:
Cool turtle daisycat. :wub:

You should post some pics in household pets. :hey:

I'll nominate the first pic for POTM. :nod:
Ooh, exciting! Thanks, cometcastle. I might just do that.
i want a turtle!

one of my LFS the guy has a huge jurdini in a huge tank and somtimes sells baby J's at around 40 - 50 bucks a pop. not bad if you wanna raise one. ill see if i can take some pics of that store. you guys would be amazed at what he has .
They are fly river turtles (Carettochelys insculpta). Sometimes known as pig nosed turtles. Fully aquatic (the only fully aquatic freshwater turtle) so they don't need a basking spot or anything. Females need land to lay eggs though but that is the only time. They breath by swimming up to the top of the water and sticking their little nose bit out!

Here are some links to info about them if you are interested...

FRT info
more FRT info
and a bit more FRT info
i'm sorry this isn't about the topic but silva fishy what type of cool looking fish is that for your signature? that thing is amazing ! i love it sorry to crash you post with this but it's just too cool :cool:
its a long finned bristlenose cat! not his, he wishes though :fun:

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