Search results

  1. BackToTheFishes

    Tmc V2 Pressure Regulator Pro

    Cheers mate,I honestly didn't think it would be that simple! Works a treat (apart from snapping my ONLY diffuser lol) I've bodged it til a replacement comes I'm a total newbie with pressurised co2!! 
  2. BackToTheFishes

    Tmc V2 Pressure Regulator Pro

    I've just bought this regulator off ebay,going to use with FE. Does anyone know where I can get a pdf of the instructions? I've tried the TMC site,but no luck!  Thanks in advance for any help
  3. BackToTheFishes


    Livestock:Pair of Oscars (possibly 2 females) Around 10 inches each Quantity for sale: 2 Reason for Sale:After 18 months of peace,they have decided they now hate each other They will need to be kept separately,or in a very large tank where neither is the dominant fish  Delivery or...
  4. BackToTheFishes

    600 Litre Malawi Stocking Advice

    Due to my Oscars deciding they despise each other after 18 months of living together,I'm moving onto Malawis soon. I would appreciate any advice regarding stocking I can get.As you can see from the title,my tank is 600l,6x2x2 and already heavily filtered...
  5. BackToTheFishes

    Gold Gourami Lonely?

    well,it worked,bought him a pal from the local maidenhead and before the bag was even open he was flirting with the newbie :blush: :lol:
  6. BackToTheFishes

    Gold Gourami Lonely?

    Feel free to correct me anyone,but I think if you fiddle around with decor to break any territories,then add the new fish,it should be fine
  7. BackToTheFishes

    Gold Gourami Lonely?

    I think I'll have to get him a new pal,that downturned mouth doesnt help his sad look lol
  8. BackToTheFishes

    Gold Gourami Lonely?

    This may be a stupid question,but I've never seen this behaviour before. I've now got a lone gold gourami in my 3ft,up until a few weeks ago he/she had a buddy.Since the buddy went fins up :( the loner has been sitting at the bottom back of the tank in one spot only moving for food and the usual...
  9. BackToTheFishes


    Defenitely all the same :good: I always pick the same bloke to serve me,he doesnt give a *brown stuff* about how many fish he gets,just dips the net a few times,makes sure I've got at least what I asked for,and any extras are a bonus.I paid for 6 glowlight tetras once,took home 14 and an extra...
  10. BackToTheFishes


    Coz I'm a jammy bleeder in that shop lol And we have a winner!cheers Carl
  11. BackToTheFishes


    Body shape,you're spot on,but the head is gettin me,I wish I could get a better pic,its really cory like,but I know its not that!driving me nuts! lol
  12. BackToTheFishes


    ok I got 5 of these as hitch hikers in a bag of rasboras.They have 4 barbels.sounds silly but face wise,they look similar to pygmy cories,but body is totally wrong.Help?? EDIT.another thing that may help,they are constantly grazing on algae
  13. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    Update with pics soon..Had a problem with algae,that black hairy s&*t :shout: but all better now,fiddled with lighting times and it fixed it :D
  14. BackToTheFishes

    Cutting Roofing Slate

    I just used the throwing method for a more natural look and used a file on any very sharp edges
  15. BackToTheFishes

    Assassin Snails

    I've noticed a few times some of my assassins sort of entangled. My question is,do they eat each other?Or are they gettin down n dirty? :blush: lol
  16. BackToTheFishes

    Wanted - Shrimp

    I can defenitely vouch for Steves packing.And you wont find better coloured shrimp in many shops
  17. BackToTheFishes

    Making Reflectors

    I used guttering and signmakers chrome vinyl from ebay,£10 got me enough for 4 4ft reflectors and works great
  18. BackToTheFishes

    No Plants For Apistos?

    The wild apistos I just got are more interested in hiding in the plants than in the caves I made :blink:
  19. BackToTheFishes

    Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid

    Any updates on the little guys?
  20. BackToTheFishes

    Assassin Snails

    I was brickin it,post was LATE today! lol Great though,they went to work 5 mins after they went in :P
  21. BackToTheFishes

    Assassin Snails

    Arrived safe and sound,great packaging! :D Thanks Sean :good:
  22. BackToTheFishes

    Apistogramma Norberti

    Update on these. I thought I'd lost one of the girl because I had only seen the male and one of his ladies all of yesterday,but,saw the other this morning! WOOO HOOOO!! :hyper: :good:
  23. BackToTheFishes

    Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid

    It may be a bit of a £$%TY way of going about it,but,this is like an extra thumbs up for Ste and his fish and packaging :good: :good: :lol:
  24. BackToTheFishes

    Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid

    YAYYYYYYYYY!!! :d:D:d:D:d:D:d:D I kept mine in the bag for 30 mins with the lights off,then slowly added water from the tank,but,mine were wild caught,so if you are worried about the time they were in the bag,then you may want to get them out a bit quicker
  25. BackToTheFishes

    Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid

    Same here,the tank water felt cooler than the bags
  26. BackToTheFishes

    Corydoras Elegans

    2 of my new Cory Elegans Cant find loads about them online,but,they are mental little things!And seem to think they are harlequins,shoaling and playing with them non stop :blink: :lol:
  27. BackToTheFishes

    Apistogramma Norberti

    The little fella in his cave And one of his ladies pottering around outside :)
  28. BackToTheFishes

    Buying Fish Online And Receiving Via Post?

    ohhhhhhhhhhhh :S any updates??
  29. BackToTheFishes

    Buying Fish Online And Receiving Via Post?

    Arrived alive and well!! :hyper: Look better than most fish in lfs tanks,even after a night in bags!Incredibly well packed too! :good:
  30. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    I've been waiting to hear back from a member on here about some C.Griffithii,and some Balansae for that space between the valis and swords
  31. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Touch wood!!!!! lol
  32. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    Some more swords in today :) And one of the four clown plecs in there,had to get this on here coz its so rare to see the little *insert insult here* lol
  33. BackToTheFishes

    Dwarf Gourami Staying In Top Corner

    Is there a female in with him?
  34. BackToTheFishes

    Buying Fish Online And Receiving Via Post?

    I won some apistos and rare corys from him,waiting for them to arrive,so I'll keep you posted :good:
  35. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    All just siliconed directly onto the tank,took a while,and obviously you have to be SURE that you wont change your mind :lol:
  36. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    Its all salvaged roofing slates,INCREDIBLY well cleaned! :lol: Been in there for about 15 years,going back to my oscar days EDIT.Thanks for the compliments :blush:
  37. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    This is it 5 days after the first plants went in.Getting good growth on both cabombas and the Sag is already throwing out runners :)
  38. BackToTheFishes

    Cherry Shrimp

    Dont wanna sound like a salesman here,but,these things look amazing and are sooo cocky!!They dont even get out of the way when my hand is an inch from them! :lol:
  39. BackToTheFishes

    Various Fish Need New Home

    Where are you located? Edit.Oops,sorry,just saw it in the title :blush:
  40. BackToTheFishes

    Apistogramma Norberti

    They are wild,from Peru,but been well acclimatised already :good: Pics will be here as soon as they arrive.Wish me luck,they'll be my first online fish! lol