Cutting Roofing Slate


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

I've seen a few posts about using roofing slate in a fish tank. I'm pretty positive the roofing slate that I have lying around is ok to use in a tank but how do I actually go around cutting it?

P.S. I will do a vinegar test on the slate first to make sure it's aquarium safe.


I've seen a few posts about using roofing slate in a fish tank. I'm pretty positive the roofing slate that I have lying around is ok to use in a tank but how do I actually go around cutting it?

P.S. I will do a vinegar test on the slate first to make sure it's aquarium safe.


Throw it down and break it, always get a natural look that way.

I prop mine up on the back doorstep and stamp on it :blush:


If you want to cut a particular shape, draw it on the surface of the slate. Once it is drawn, simply follow your line tapping lightly with a hammer along that line. After a few repeats of the tapping along the full length of the intended cut, the slate will break rather cleanly along your line. Each tap sets up minor cracks in the material right where you strike and by following the length of the cut it will eventually break right where you wanted it to break. I find this far more satisfying than simply bashing the piece against something hard and then trying to make something from the pieces.
Thanks for the advice so far,

Can I also ask whats a good way to combine the materials? I have some aquarium safe sealant which would hold the pieces together but I was wondering if there are any good safe modelling putty I can use to fill in cracks etc and get a better look?

My boyfriend uses 'Green Putty' for modelling but I dont think this is aquarium safe but is the kind of thing I am after.
I enjoy gravity.

A nice strong setting will stay where it sits.

Also makes cleaning easier since you can lift up the individual pieces.


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