

May 2, 2010
Reaction score
Wrexham,N Wales
ok I got 5 of these as hitch hikers in a bag of rasboras.They have 4 barbels.sounds silly but face wise,they look similar to pygmy cories,but body is totally wrong.Help??
EDIT.another thing that may help,they are constantly grazing on algae
Bu the way, how the hell did they manage to bag you 5 hitchhikers? :lol:
Coz I'm a jammy bleeder in that shop lol

Those are Rosy Loach! :shout: :good:
And we have a winner!cheers Carl


Can't believe you got 5 Rosy Loach for free, the only hitchhiker I've ever got was a Guppy, and I hate Guppys! :shout:

Oh, and are you sure all 5 loaches are definitely Rosy Loaches? They very commonly get flown im with similar looking Y.Cruitatus & Y.brevis.

Bu the way, how the hell did they manage to bag you 5 hitchhikers? :lol:
Coz I'm a jammy bleeder in that shop lol

Those are Rosy Loach! :shout: :good:
And we have a winner!cheers Carl


Can't believe you got 5 Rosy Loach for free, the only hitchhiker I've ever got was a Guppy, and I hate Guppys! :shout:

Oh, and are you sure all 5 loaches are definitely Rosy Loaches? They very commonly get flown im with similar looking Y.Cruitatus & Y.brevis.

Defenitely all the same :good: I always pick the same bloke to serve me,he doesnt give a *brown stuff* about how many fish he gets,just dips the net a few times,makes sure I've got at least what I asked for,and any extras are a bonus.I paid for 6 glowlight tetras once,took home 14 and an extra asian rummynose :D

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