Apistogramma Norberti

Never seen them before, found this nice set of pics though: http://www.rva.jp/zu...p_norberti.html

They have distinct features, pics when you get them!

I'd assume you can keep them like any other apisto, however you need to know what you are in for...are they wild caught or captive breed? If wild caught you may need lower pH levels whereas captive breed should be okay with normal from the tap levels
They are wild,from Peru,but been well acclimatised already :good:
Pics will be here as soon as they arrive.Wish me luck,they'll be my first online fish! lol

The little fella in his cave

And one of his ladies pottering around outside :)
Update on these.
I thought I'd lost one of the girl because I had only seen the male and one of his ladies all of yesterday,but,saw the other this morning! WOOO HOOOO!! :hyper: :good:

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