Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid

He wraps his fish up good. Mine were double bagged, then he wrapped the bag up in newspaper, puts it in a poly. box, with a heat pack and lots of shredded paper.

When I received mine of next day, the packaging was hit, not warm lol So you maybe lucky, fingers crossed x
He wraps his fish up good. Mine were double bagged, then he wrapped the bag up in newspaper, puts it in a poly. box, with a heat pack and lots of shredded paper.

When I received mine of next day, the packaging was hit, not warm lol So you maybe lucky, fingers crossed x
Same here,the tank water felt cooler than the bags
He wraps his fish up good. Mine were double bagged, then he wrapped the bag up in newspaper, puts it in a poly. box, with a heat pack and lots of shredded paper.

When I received mine of next day, the packaging was hit, not warm lol So you maybe lucky, fingers crossed x

All that, plus you are guaranteed strong healthy fish from Ste, so if anything can make it through the night, it's these critters.

Come on RM, don't totally let us down, deliver some live fish!!
hi need some advice im new to having cockatoo cichlids. does anyone know what my female is doing? she has currently made a coconut cave her territory and is tilting to her side when my male cockatoo goes past, he keeps trying to grab her with his mouth. she is half the size as my male so i assumed she was to young to breed yet. only been in my tank since monday when i bought them from ste.
hi need some advice im new to having cockatoo cichlids. does anyone know what my female is doing? she has currently made a coconut cave her territory and is tilting to her side when my male cockatoo goes past, he keeps trying to grab her with his mouth. she is half the size as my male so i assumed she was to young to breed yet. only been in my tank since monday when i bought them from ste.

Females can spawn at a small size, chances are she is ready, if coming from ste. Or maybe they are working out territory
i have 2 females the larger one chases anything that gets to close or enters cave.
well the moment of truth has arrived! 48 hrs after they were posted! A pair of Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlid arrive by post at 935 this morning!

:D :/ :X :blink: :unsure:

Here goes nothing!!
And the moment of truth!!!





Wohooo!!!!!!! They made it!! :D :fish: :hooray: :- :kana: :clap: :cool: :drinks: :thanks: :yahoo:
Any thoughts on what to do now? Had them out the box for a few mins,
And have now popped them into the tank, Which is still in night mode, lights don't come on till 12,
How long should i let them chill before letting them out, Also should i turn the lights on early today whilst still in the bag?
any thoughts most appreciated
YAYYYYYYYYY!!! :d:D:d:D:d:D:d:D
I kept mine in the bag for 30 mins with the lights off,then slowly added water from the tank,but,mine were wild caught,so if you are worried about the time they were in the bag,then you may want to get them out a bit quicker
Nice one thanx, Spoke to ste to let him know they arrived safely and he gave us a few tips aswell,
Just acclimatizing them now!
So happy they made it! Will keep ya updated on there on goings!
You know that! I can't see fish from a LFS surviving that long in a bag! Big ups to Ste! :thanks:
I have, for months, sung my praises for Ste on this site and this threads just goes to prove that he is one of the best out there!

Glad your fish have arrived and alive, you must be very relieved now xx
I have, for months, sung my praises for Ste on this site and this threads just goes to prove that he is one of the best out there!

Glad your fish have arrived and alive, you must be very relieved now xx

I was thank you! :D Bet the fish were to!

Spent 2 and half hrs acclimatizing them this morning before release. Just got back in & been watching my tank with the lights off still, So obviously can't see the best at the mo.
But my new male seems quite happy, Patrolling up and down the whole front length of the tank, :D Female nowhere to be seem though? Hope shes ok -_-

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