Gold Gourami Lonely?


May 2, 2010
Reaction score
Wrexham,N Wales
This may be a stupid question,but I've never seen this behaviour before.
I've now got a lone gold gourami in my 3ft,up until a few weeks ago he/she had a buddy.Since the buddy went fins up :( the loner has been sitting at the bottom back of the tank in one spot only moving for food and the usual gulp of physical issues,just seems bored? Possible?
Possibly. Lost two of mine and the third is now wallowing in the pits of depression, looking very forlorn..:(
I got my 3 recently and they are occaionally quarrel. Hopefully none of them will died (in the near future) but I wonder what mine would do?

i had a male and a female together for over 3 years about 6 month ago my male died, i was thinking of getting another 1 but she is loads bigger than any iv seen in the shops so wernt sure how shed gat along with another
i had a male and a female together for over 3 years about 6 month ago my male died, i was thinking of getting another 1 but she is loads bigger than any iv seen in the shops so wernt sure how shed gat along with another
Feel free to correct me anyone,but I think if you fiddle around with decor to break any territories,then add the new fish,it should be fine
well,it worked,bought him a pal from the local maidenhead and before the bag was even open he was flirting with the newbie :blush: :lol:

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