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  1. lukes280

    Black Ghost Knife Feeding Query

    Just found out my Black ghost knife loves its Tetra flakes. Thanks for all the reply's Luke
  2. lukes280

    Fish Tank Lighting

    thanks for the reply's. I will have a look on e bay and some diy shops. I will have a look at what k mine is when I go upstairs in a second. thanks for all the reply's I really appreciate it Luke
  3. lukes280

    Fish Tank Lighting

    OK, I have been having problems with my plants where I have been giving them to much light. they either go brown or a really dull colour. I went to my fish shop and they have said to me to by a timer socket so it turns on and off every day 8 hours at the time I want which is 2pm till 10pm...
  4. lukes280

    Black Ghost Knife Feeding Query

    thanks alot for taking the time to reply. I have just found a good way for saterdays any way and that is when I use 2 cubes of blood works and the left overs he will pick up. I will go den the pet stroe to day and pick up the food you use and give it a try. I think I might of saw him/she eat a...
  5. lukes280

    Black Ghost Knife Feeding Query

    I have a bit of a problem. When feeding me angel fish the ghost knife don't have a look in of blood worms. Here is my problem, the man at the pest store said to feed him at night. Problem is that my angel fish might be a sleep but my sword tail ant. I have been feeding him by capturing him...
  6. lukes280

    6Ft Tank

    thanks alot, well 6ft here i come, thanks for the fast reply Luke Stanton
  7. lukes280

    6Ft Tank

    just curious, i currently own a black ghost knife, 4-5 inch's long in a 3ft tank. i need to upgrade as i know, would a 6ft tank be big enough, when do i need to get it (meaning how long will it take to grow to a size where i need to change tank). or will it be ok in the tank i have now?? Thanks...
  8. lukes280

    New 3Ft

    Yes for 6 months
  9. lukes280

    New 3Ft

    what you mean by seeded and no i left it for three days, i have always done it as it takes 24hours for the choline to be extracted from the water.
  10. lukes280

    Guppy Pregnant

    My guppy is really big and want to now if he or she is pregnant, how can you tell between a boy/girl? here is a picture (sorry for being bleared hard catching fish): it has been like this for at least 3 weeks. if pregnant when should i put it in a breading box and when the fry are hatched...
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  13. lukes280

    New 3Ft

    OK i have a new 3ft tank to upgrade from my 2 1ft tanks which are all in 1 1ft tank at the moment. 3/4 of the water from one of the 1ft tanks i put in the 3ft tank which barley filled it up, so i filled it up with tap water (took ages ha). i am using a 2006 ehiem filter which i now ant anoth to...
  14. lukes280

    Glow Neon Eaten Alive

    ok thanks, well my angle fish are fully grown but not to 15 cm, i fink they are 8 and they havent grown atal in the last 6 months. they are perfectly healthy exept they keep nipping each others tails. Thanks For The Replys Luke
  15. lukes280

    New Fish For A New Tank

    Thanks alot, i am looking so forward to this now. it says these ones only grow to 6cm and my tank is getting upgraded to a 180 litter from a 75.
  16. lukes280

    New Fish For A New Tank

    ok i have kept my eye on this for a while. Ramirezi fish. I have been in to most fish shops and they dont sell them so just for me i was going to order this Here. Can any one tell me if it would be comptible from a 5th point of view if it would be ok with fully grown angels, red tail, clown...
  17. lukes280

    Angel Fish

    Yea had alot of playful ness out of them latly. mating dance like mad Thanks for the replies Luke
  18. lukes280

    Glow Neon Eaten Alive

    my dad had a clown loach years a go and it was 6cm and he had a 150litter. dont they grow to the size of your tank. Its the same as my angels, had them for a year and in 6months they stoped growing. They are now fully grown and the right size. Luk
  19. lukes280

    Glow Neon Eaten Alive

    ok and i will get more tiger barbs and another clown loach. they all get moved to a 180 litter after christmas where they will be joined will two fully grown angel fish catfish and a pleco so. Thanks For The answering The ANY fish that you leave in an aquarium with ANY other fish will...
  20. lukes280

    Angel Fish

    Thanks great to know that his tail will grow. Next year he will be moving in to a 180 litter tank from the 75 where he is fully grown as you see. he will be put with all my fish from 2 seprate tanks. Thanks Alot Luke
  21. lukes280

    Glow Neon Eaten Alive

    Ok i have 3 semi aggressive fish (red tail shark, tiger barb and clown loach) in a 68 litre tank with 4 guppies 2 sword tails and well was 2 but now 1 glow my red tail is soft, he don't attack or snap at any fish for anything even food, but my clown loach attacks everything except the...
  22. lukes280

    Angel Fish

    Ok, i have 2 angel fish. One black the other silver. Problem, the black has always had a one of his spikes on his tail missing. As you see the yellow line which is pointing to nothing weather as the black line points to his they fine and looks like a smudge spike. Well his tail now looks like...
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    Angel Fish.jpg

  25. lukes280

    Just Bought My New Red Tail And Clown Loach, Can't Wait Till They Get Big :)

    Just Bought My New Red Tail And Clown Loach, Can't Wait Till They Get Big :)
  26. lukes280

    Fish Died Random

    ok sorry for the long time to write back, it must have been a dodge fish as my other fish are perfect. i still ant got a testing kit, i really cant afford one at this point of time. Thanks For The Replys Luke
  27. lukes280

    Fish Died Random

    Ok i have 4 guppies 2 swordtail's' 2 glow neons (red striped) 1 clown loach and had 2 tiger barb but now have 1. had the tiger barbs for 4 days with the loach and sword tail as there was before i added these 4 guppies 1 sword tail and 2 glow neons. The tiger barb has been great with the other...
  28. lukes280

    My Mollies Fin Has Split

    The only thing that you can do is keep an eye on the fish and see what happens, like if he is getting bullied by other fish with out you knowing
  29. lukes280

    My Mollies Fin Has Split

    It must have been attacked as there ant any reason why it should have done it on its own. Luke
  30. lukes280

    Water Murky

    Ok well i will buy a testing kit and it has gone now. Thanks i think it was a late bloosom lol Thanks Again Luke
  31. lukes280

    Water Murky

    OK and my tank has never gone this murky. there is never any uneaten food in my tank trust. my fish are always eat every last bit. Ok well i will clean gravel as well and see what happens Thanks ever so much for the replies Luke
  32. lukes280

    Water Murky

    ok the tank is around 3 months old and it stats i dont know as dont have a kit but getting one in a couple of weeks. it has occured over the last couple of days so?? Thanks Luke
  33. lukes280

    Best Place To Get Frozen Food?

    I by mine from the local fish store as it is very hard to find frozon fish food online for a cheap price. i would recommend the local fish store. Luke
  34. lukes280

    What Foodfor My Fish?

    Flake food or worms. Fish can eat some vegtibales so thats another idea. also for the pleco they eat algue flakes. Luke
  35. lukes280

    Water Cycling

    It is not true as such. you can leave the water 24hours and this will pick it up to room tempture as well as lifting the gas from the water. you use treatment as a quick way of doing your water, so you put the treatment in and then after you have mixed it in you can put it in to the water, but...
  36. lukes280

    Water Murky

    Ok i did a water change yesterday and the last couple of times i have done it the water has not become 100% clear. It is a white misty colour. i clean the wat once every 1 to 2 weeks but don't clean the gravel untill the end of each month. I was going to do the gravel after school today but not...
  37. lukes280

    Is It Parasites?

    no prolbem give us an update when everything is sorted, Thanks Luke
  38. lukes280

    Is It Parasites?

    ok well treatment should do if as Mikaila31 said it could be waste build up, try cleaning gravel and water then if it happens again get treatment Luke
  39. lukes280

    Is It Parasites?

    They can, what tempiture are you running at. It might be good to turn it up to 26 to kill them quicker as parasites don't like hot water
  40. lukes280

    Is It Parasites?

    Yes you can treat it, have a look for tretment online like parisite treatment, you sure it ant fry??