Glow Neon Eaten Alive


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2010
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Ok i have 3 semi aggressive fish (red tail shark, tiger barb and clown loach) in a 68 litre tank with 4 guppies 2 sword tails and well was 2 but now 1 glow my red tail is soft, he don't attack or snap at any fish for anything even food, but my clown loach attacks everything except the tiger barb and sword tails. The red tail takes no notice but the other fish like the guppies and neons flee. the tiger barb did pick on the clown loach and thats the only one he has picked on (i thought the guppies would have been the first to go). The clown loach is only young and he is the only one that i have seen disturbing the tank.

Getting to the point, walked in to do to find my glow neon eaten alive, no eyes and no stomach. I don't know what it could have been either the clown loach or something other than him like the barb. I am 100% sure that it wasn't the red tail as he keeps to him self and he again is only small.

Any ideas on what you think would be appreciated alot

You do know clowns should be kept with more than 1 of their kind and that 68ltrs is way too small for them.

Tiger barbs are shoaling fish and should be kept as 5 min, one on it's own will become aggressive.
Eaten alive? How do you know this?

I've had tetra die off before, and generally something then gets at it and eats from it.

Sounds like the red tailed shark, they are known for it...
ANY fish that you leave in an aquarium with ANY other fish will eventually get "picked" to pieces
ok and i will get more tiger barbs and another clown loach. they all get moved to a 180 litter after christmas where they will be joined will two fully grown angel fish catfish and a pleco so.

Thanks For The answering

The ANY fish that you leave in an aquarium with ANY other fish will eventually get "picked" to pieces sounds most clear to me.

my dad had a clown loach years a go and it was 6cm and he had a 150litter. dont they grow to the size of your tank. Its the same as my angels, had them for a year and in 6months they stoped growing. They are now fully grown and the right size.

in a word no
they do not grow to the size of the tank if kept in clean fresh water

for eg I could lock a small child in a cupboard for life it would not grow as tall as a child not kept in a cupboard it would just be stunted........ extreme eg lol but I hope you get the idea

if kept the way they should be they will grow to their optimum size

scot :)
ok thanks, well my angle fish are fully grown but not to 15 cm, i fink they are 8 and they havent grown atal in the last 6 months. they are perfectly healthy exept they keep nipping each others tails.

Thanks For The Replys


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