Fish Tank Lighting


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2010
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OK, I have been having problems with my plants where I have been giving them to much light. they either go brown or a really dull colour. I went to my fish shop and they have said to me to by a timer socket so it turns on and off every day 8 hours at the time I want which is 2pm till 10pm. Problem is i cant seem to find the right website and don't know what I am looking for.

Any help or suggestion on what I could use to solve my discolouration problem.

Thanks alot

Are you in the UK? If so, just go to B&Q, Wilkinsons, or any number of household or DIY shops. I've even seen them in Morrisons. They're just the dial type but if you go to the B&Q website ( and search for timers you'll see them.
i got my timers off good old ebay.just type in "mains timer" and youll find many choices
thanks for the reply's. I will have a look on e bay and some diy shops.

I will have a look at what k mine is when I go upstairs in a second.

thanks for all the reply's
I really appreciate it


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