Is It Parasites?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2009
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I have millions of tiny white little bugs in around the top of my tank and more than likely in the water. How do I get rid of them, is there a treatment I can use in the water
Yes you can treat it, have a look for tretment online like parisite treatment, you sure it ant fry??
Yes you can treat it, have a look for tretment online like parisite treatment, you sure it ant fry??


Its not fry and most of them are on the top of my 3d backing which comes out of the water slightly.

Will these little bugs affect my fish?
They can, what tempiture are you running at. It might be good to turn it up to 26 to kill them quicker as parasites don't like hot water
those are more than likely harmless.... usually just an indicator that your tank has excess waste building up in it.

Can you describe them? how are the moving? common microorganisum that are present in just about every fish tank(whether you see then or not)- planaria, cyclops, rotifers, paramecium, and some other stuff...
those are more than likely harmless.... usually just an indicator that your tank has excess waste building up in it.

Can you describe them? how are the moving? common microorganisum that are present in just about every fish tank(whether you see then or not)- planaria, cyclops, rotifers, paramecium, and some other stuff...

Phew hope they are harmless

They are really tiny little round bug like things and if you look hard they are all moving about, guess they have tiny legs lol. Probably the size of a pin small pin head but hundreds of them

I'll google some of the ones you posted see if they are similar.
ok well treatment should do if as Mikaila31 said it could be waste build up, try cleaning gravel and water then if it happens again get treatment

ok well treatment should do if as Mikaila31 said it could be waste build up, try cleaning gravel and water then if it happens again get treatment


Ok thanks at the moment Im cleaning the tank and gravel once every 10 days. Will start doing it more frequently thanks for both your help

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